30. Unexpected Text

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You texted me first?
Is this real or am I hallucinating?
Oh it's just a formal, "U OK?"
I don't know what I was expecting

Well it's been over a month now
I don't know why I'm still counting
But those 100 days of dreaming are gone
Moved on from you and your damn smile

Got new friends and a new haircut
Trying to study for my future
It's really hard to concentrate
When all I can think of how much we've changed

We don't have those late night talks anymore
Now it's just arguing about who is at fault
I don't know if it's awkward for you as well
Because I still feel anxious looking at your texts.

Your words keep replaying in my head
"I despise every moment I've ever trusted you"
Thanks cause I feel the exact same way for you
But atleast I didn't play with someone's emotions too.

Never wanted to blame you for anything
Instead I should blame myself
For making you believe you're nice and pretty
But you're definitely selfish when it comes to me

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