6. Fuck You

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"I'm finally getting over you"
God I wish these were were true
Not sure what is it anymore
Not something I want to fight for

Made mistakes, and made some choices that's hard to deny
How I wish we could go back in time
Back when it was easier to forget you existed
Back when you would do anything to make sure I didn't

I remember those late night chats, in my bed lying
Waiting patiently for you to say good night
Sometimes you did and I ended up smiling like a fool
Sometimes you didn't, that often made me blue.

Now that I look back at those texts
All my hopes and fears haunt me back
I tell myself I will stop being a fool for you
Looking at your name, my mind screams "Fuck you!"

Fuck you for being too damn gorgeous
Fuck you for being too polite
Fuck myself for giving you such importance
Fuck you for fucking up my life

The only thing you could ever blame me for
Giving you a love that you couldn't handle
I can't make it go away by making you a villian
So let's just forget any of this ever happened.

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