36. His Grandma

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(So this one is actually quite personal to me and I had been debating on whether I should publish it or not but I have finally decided to do it so tell me what you think.)

Few years ago, I heard a question
Have you ever seen a person die
Back then I didn't think much about that
But today, I can painfully say that I have.

We got the call that grandma isn't well
This isn't the first time for that
She had been fighting for the past 4 years
Wondering if she should live or disappear

When I got to her home
There was an utter silence
Her grandson standing outside the door saw me
And said, "My grandma is sick"

I don't know what to say to him
Should I tell him his grandma is on her way to heaven
I could only tell him Everything will be okay
And that false hope on his face would soon fade away

I entered the room and saw a lady Sleeping peacefully after such a long time
A part of me wants to cry my heart out
But the other part knows she is going to a better place

All these thoughts in my head
Finally made me understand
Life is really unpredictable
Live like you will die tomorrow
But learn like you live forever

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