35. Thoughts of a Teenager

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(NOTE: This is the first poem I've ever written and it happened 2-3 years ago)

This is not something anyone will be reading
This is a poem dedicated to my feelings
This is not something you wanna hear These are the thoughts of a teenager

I came to this world 16 years ago
All I ever did was with the flow
I don't have a shady past behind me yet But God knows if I'll be able to handle the rest.

16 years is not a long time
I still have a lot more to fight
World has been going lazy
Covid-19 is really going crazy

All locked in the houses with only hope Everthing will be okay if we just cope Vaccine has arrived to our station
But masks are still the best option

I don't know if this poem should be this long
But I guess I will just go along
This is not something you wanna hear These are the thoughts of a teenager

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