17. Memories

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During my usual session of Introspection
I wondered "Is it time to give my school life a reflection?"
The voice inside my head overstated
"Whatever you do, Just don't end up getting devastated."

That hit me hard, Cause in my entire school life
I've been neglected and sidelined
Memories of school life are supposed to be great
For me they have been quite unhappy and faint.

Knowing the kind of person I am, one can easily portend
It must be very hard making new friends
I've always been in my own different fantasies
They always said "What a weirdo she might be!"

These 15 years were the building blocks of my personality
Some passed with goodwill, others with brutality.
Strangely I made some close connections
But they didn't last as everyone had their own directions.

At the end, I am alone just like in the nursery
Atleast back then I didn't have anything to worry
Everything was so much easier and kind
Oh how I wish I could go back to being a child.

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