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Sitting in the hotel lobby, Harry and I talk while waiting for my father.

"I don't have a New Year's resolution," He tells me.

"Come on, you have to have at least one." I say.

"Well there is this one thing, but it's nothing." He says with a devious smirk.

"Please. Tell me what it is." I demand.

There's a very long pause before he answers, "To fall in love with someone..."

I deeply regret what I'm about to say next, so I look away; I focus on my knees as I talk, "Listen, about our kiss, it was a mistake." I think a bigger mistake is looking up and meeting his yellowish-green eyes that are now full of sadness.

He needs to know Madyson, tell him already. No, he's not going to like me after he finds out that I have lied to him. If he finds out later, he'll hate you. TELL HIM! 

After the battle within me subsides, I decide on telling him the truth because he deserves to know. "There's something I need to tell you, you're going to hate me though. Okay, here it goes... We can't do this. I'm only sixteen. I should've told you when we first kissed, but I was selfish. I loved the idea of a celebrity taking an interest in me, and the New Year's Eve kiss. I know now that you'll never talk to me again, but I'm truly sorry." Harry lets me ramble on, and when I'm done he stays quiet.

We sit in silence until my dad walks into the lobby and I stand up, while Harry remains seated. When my dad reaches our spot, he thanks Harry, but in return is ignored. My dad looks over to me with raised eyebrows and I make a gesture that if successful, gives him a clue that Harry is too tired to talk. Thankfully, he doesn't give it another thought and asks me if I'm ready to leave. I nod, and we both say our goodbyes to a depressed Harry; I hate leaving him like this, but what can I do to make it better?

Walking out of the hotel, we are bombarded by a bunch of reporters and ridiculous questions like, "Is Harry a good kisser? Did you meet One Direction at the club? Who is this man?" My dad ignores them, and I try to do the same, but it's hard not to pay attention to the cameras following you.

Once inside the car, my dad looks at me with a disappointed face and then interrogates me to no end. Instead of making up a story I settle on the truth. I start by saying that we went to a club near the hotel and about how I met the members of 1D. I tell him about the sip of alcohol I tasted; However, to save Harry's reputation I leave out the small details about Harry and I kissing on the lips. I know he heard that we had kissed, but I cover it up by saying that he gave me a small peck on the cheek to begin the new year. He doesn't believe me though, and to make it clear he punishes me for two months. I agree on the terms and my dad presses on the gas pedal to escape the annoying crowd and camera flashes.

I wake to the magnificent aroma of pancakes the next morning. It's the first day back to school from winter break. It makes no sense to go back to school the day after New Year's since everyone goes to bed way past midnight, but I guess the one good thing about today is that aunt Susan, her husband, and her kids are gone. At two in the morning, Teresa came down with the flu and aunt Susan thought it best to take her home to recover. The other plus is that I get to see my best friend Connie and tell her about my interesting winter break. Although she hates One Direction's music, she won't be able to resist the romantic parts.

"Do you want eggs with your pancakes?" My mom asks.

"No thanks," I reply while taking out a carton of milk from the refrigerator. She's still a little upset about how I spent my New Year's Eve.

After eating my breakfast quickly, I'm out the door with my mom to start our busy day. My school is only twenty minutes away from our house and ten from my mom's job. We leave the house a little later than usual, but we should arrive at school on time. As I'm hurried out of my mom's Jetta, I spot Connie waiting for me by the school entrance and I'm so elated to see her.

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now