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{A week after the accident.}

"I love you so much."

"Harry, are you okay?" I'm concerned because this is the tenth time he has said those words to me.

"Yeah, I just love you so much."

"I love you."

"Ahhhh!" Niall comes tumbling in and right behind him is Lou. Lou can't help but laugh at Niall.

 I rush to help Niall up, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think. At least I'm not covered in tampons."

"Hey!" I pretend to be offended.

Niall chuckles, "I'm just messing with you." 

Liam walks in with a cross expression, "Are you two done with your annoying PDA?"

Harry ascends from the bed, "What's your problem dude?"

"We only have twenty-four hours to leave California, remember?" 

This is why Harry acts weird a couple of minutes ago.

I look at Harry and see his disappointment. I try to be very mature and comfort him. "It will be alright, I'll wait for you here, and when you come back, we can pick up from where we left off." He takes a long pause as if conflicted, and everyone in the room stays quiet, waiting for his reaction to this proposition.

For what feels like forever he finally speaks, "Madyson, come with me."

"You know I want to but my parents. They won't let me go."

"Then I'll beg them, please I need you by my side."

I feel like I've just been proposed to and some man is waiting to become an elated fiancé. I really do want to go with him and it's been made perfectly clear that I can't live without him- he's my everything. I take a deep breath.



"Yes." From his hotel bed, he runs to give me a hug. He lifts me into the air and kisses my forehead.

"Vas happenin'?" Zayn asks.

Louis answers for us, "She's coming with us to... to..." He signals for Liam to finish his sentence, but it takes a few seconds before he tells us specifically where they will be going.

"Ughh, we're going to France." He storms out of the room faster than I can demand him to tell me his issue.

Zayn runs to hug me while in Harry's arms, "This is great!"

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 

After a long conversation with my parents via phone in the bathroom, I'm at Liam's open door and knocking three times on its frame. 

He sits on the floor packing for the trip, using this to keep him busy from looking at me.

I feel extremely awkward as I talk to the person who might not like me at all. "Is something wrong?" 

"No. Not at all. I'm ecstatic," he is sarcastic.

"You're lying. Please, tell me why you are mad."

"Why are you with him?"

The question is out of nowhere. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Why are you with Harry?"

"Because I love him for all that he is. Why would you even ask that?"

"Oh, is that so? It's not for his fame?" His voice becomes almost villain sounding. 

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now