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Zayn and Liam sit on the balcony, writing songs for the new album. Lou and I make chocolate covered strawberries at the table. He claims they help with his hotel boredom- the kind that comes from always being cooped up inside. Harry watches a movie with Niall, and the TV is just loud enough to speak with Lou without them hearing our conversation.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you ever fight with Eleanor?"

"Sometimes. It's over the little stuff, like not calling her when I said I would."

"Oh... Would you... Uh... Be mad if she ever cheated on you."

"Maybe. I would try to be understanding. But if she cheated on me, I would feel like everything is a lie. Like she didn't love me anymore. I would hate to have someone steal her from me. I don't like sharing precious things with others. 

"Madyson, no one thinks you cheated. Liam kissed you. It wasn't your fault and you didn't keep it from Harry. That shows you're not a liar and that you're faithful in my opinion."

It happened again. I wish I could be honest but that means also telling Harry I might be falling for Liam.

"Hey, Madyson, come watch the movie with us." Harry is across the living room waving for me to join him on the sofa.

"Let me just fin..."

"Go Madyson. I'll be fine, you've done enough. Thanks for your help."

"Are you sure Lou?"


"Great, thank you!" After washing my hand in the kitchen sink, I make my way to the sofa and cuddle up next to Harry. I rest my head on his chest and intertwine my fingers with his. They're warm, comforting, and we stay like this for a while.

When the movie ends we sit at the table eating the chocolate covered strawberries Lou has set aside for us.

"These are good Madyson," Harry has eaten the most.

"What about me? I see, I've been replaced." Lou pretends to wipe away an invisible tear.

"We all know you can cook."

"Wait. That's right! Madyson said she couldn't cook," Naill states.

"I didn't do anything, it was all Lou. I just washed the strawberries off in the sink."

"You're so modest," Lou says as he puts the rest of the strawberries onto a plate. "I'll be right back. I'm going to bring some to Zayn and Liam."

When Lou is gone, everything becomes silent for a moment and I feel the need to break it. "Harry, didn't you have interviews today?"

"Um... Well, yeah. We had a couple, but I canceled them."

My face begins to heat and then my cheeks are wet, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be a nuisance."

"It's okay Madyson! It gave us an excuse to just relax for once," Naill giggles.

"Don't worry about it. Please cheer up, Madyson." Harry whips away a fresh tear.

"Okay. So, if everybody's up to it, I would like to do more sightseeing." Zayn tells Lou as they come back into the living room.

"You should bring your camera," Liam recommends as he closes the sliding door to the balcony behind him. 

"Mmhm," I nod and bury my face into Harry who now holds me.

"Okay, then it's settled. We'll get ready after we eat..."

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now