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 "Madyson. I need to go to an interview with the boys. I'll see you in a couple of hours," Harry yells from the bathroom. As I slip my petite figure into a cream-colored cocktail dress I reply with a simple okay, and when Harry's done combing his hair he walks over to give me a mind-blowing kiss before he's out the door.   

Before everything, I pictured Harry and my life together exactly like this. He would be off to work, and I'd wait for him until he came home. He would be mine and I his. But now, the simple thought of even seeing him leaves my heartbroken.

Liam's sweet, kind, gentle, and each second I think of him, the harder it is to contain these feelings. Some would say I was a fool- being in love with someone I just met. I rushed into something I didn't quite understand as my mother warned me. I'm confused on so many levels. I'm mad at Harry, I feel guilty towards Liam, and I'm completely losing my sanity.

{Back in California}

My answering machine reaches its' full capacity, tomorrow's headline will be Did Liam Steal Harry's Girlfriend? - with several other accusations and scandals. Reporters, as well as a few irritated fans, are right outside my house. Along with the chaos, it seems that I'm grounded due to the belief that I am at fault for creating a huge pandemonium with One Direction's career, and my future ahead. In all honesty, my mother doesn't blame me for their defamation, she just feels the situation will dissolve quicker if I distance myself.

The secret of Harry's affair is still mine.

I had all the time in the world to evaluate my priorities, and yet, I have to credit myself the culprit. I cheated, which makes me no better than him. I destroyed Liam's friendship, not to mention his dream. I'm selfish till the very end and have no restraint on my emotions. With every fiber of my being, I have to mend the quarrels that I've unfolded.

I dial Harry's number.

"Hello." His voice is rasp, and I can detect a tone of annoyance.

"I would like to apologize for my behavior. I'm sorry for hurting, deceiving, and especially cheating on you. I lied to you and I have no right to judge..."

"No, you do not. I could not have gotten over Erin in just a day; these feelings are too strong. I never expected to meet you. You were so beautiful, lovely, mature and I needed you. I agree it was unfair to not warn you or be sincere, but I cared too much to watch you lose another good thing. I loved you..."

Loved. It seems he is capable of manipulating his affections.

He continues, "Although I gave you everything, you threw it away. I bet your plan was to ruin my friendship with Liam and destroy One Direction. You're a whore and an ungrateful bitc..."

He has every right to be furious, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm truly sorry."

He chuckles. "You should know. You made me this way..."

The temperature of my face has gone from normal to fever hot, and my eyes blur by uncontrollable tears. He's entirely consumed with wrath.

"I am truly sorry, for everything." I try to sound composed, but there are a few cracks.

"It doesn't matter. Tonight, I'll be with Erin. Of course, I will let her know you said hi."

I can no longer accept the abusive words, "I will always love you... I wish you the best. Goodbye Harry... Styles."

"Madyson, wait..."

The call ends. He spoke the truth. Why am I upset?  I'm nothing, a burden at the least. He and Liam are better off without me.

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now