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"But I love him so much!"

"You don't know what love is, you're a child."

"Why can't you just except us. Haven't you ever been in love with someone when you were younger?"



"Yes. I never told you this, but yes- I have. His name was Daniel and we were madly in love, or so I thought."

"What do you mean?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Why not?"

My mom takes a deep breath and sighs before she explains. "I wanted to tell you this when you were a little older, but I guess you need to know... Okay. So, it was this one night during summer break... Daniel and I were finally ready to become more intimate in our relationship... We were stupid because we had unprotected sex and I became pregnant. When his football season began again, he wanted nothing to do with his child. I tried to make him realize this was a mistake, but he ignored me, and I finally gave up trying after you were born... Grandma could no longer help me take care of you while I went to school because we had a fight... She wanted me to give you up, but I just couldn't because I loved you so much- my miracle. I dropped out of high school the middle of my senior year and took the money I saved from the previous jobs and moved us to California where I was able to get a small apartment. There, I got my GED and went to college... I met your father here... It was a few months of dating and I knew he was the one. I wanted to introduce him to you and at first, I thought he might not want anything to do with us after the fact, but he surprised me. Though you were not biologically his, he still loved you as his own and I fell even more in love with him for that. We soon got married and bought this house. I became a teacher and Charlie a doctor."

Tears ran down my face as I took in her story. I somehow felt betrayed, however, I didn't care about the Daniel part because I loved my dad and I was a daddy's girls at heart- obviously making me very close to Charlie.

"Charlie will always be my father, but I can't believe you hid this from me. Was I just living a lie?"

"No baby, I'm glad you see it that way sweetie. I didn't mean to keep this from you, but I just couldn't bring myself to bring up those painful memories again. I couldn't believe your own dad let a wonderful person go and that someone could understand my position. Money was tight, and I worked hard to get an education. The only good that happened was you and your father. I didn't mean to make you cry, I just want you to see that nothing good could come from my or your teenage lust."

"I appreciate what you have done for me, I really do. And I'm so happy that you found love again but,  you did love Daniel even though he was an idiot and I know what we have is not lust..."

"I just want what's best for you and you're giving up school for Harry not to mention his crazy schedule. He'll probably leave to do another tour or go back home while you're suspended and don't forget your age difference in all of this. I can't let you guys carry on the way you have been."

At last Harry speaks, "I've been meaning to ask you about that Mrs. Silver. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind Madyson traveling with me on tour. I promise to protect her, hire a private teacher if you want me to, and love her with all my heart as you have done. It would really mean a lot to both of us."

"Harry I need to think abo..."

"Mom, I have never wanted something so much as this in my life and I am begging you to take a risk like we did because I know deep in my soul that we are meant to be."

Harry rubs his thumb on the back of my palm as we wait for my mom's reply. I'm nervous because her face is unreadable, and I need to know her answer. What will I do if she says no? Wait until I'm eighteen to find Harry, will he find me? So many emotions and questions are circling in my head.

"I will let you go, but on one condition. You need to call me every two days, so I know you're alright."

I run to hug her, "Okay! Thank you, thank you so much I love you!" Harry also thanks her.

My mother becomes sarcastic, "Yeah, yeah, love you too. Your dad is going to love it when you tell him."

"Oh right, Charlie."

I glance at the time on the living room clock and read ten thirty. Dad's running awfully late since he usually arrives home at nine. I grab my phone from my front pocket and call him.


"Who is this?"

"Madyson, who is this?"

"This is Doctor Sam, and I'm afraid your father has been in a car accident."

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

"What room is my dad in?" I ask the receptionist.

"What is the patient's name?"

"Charlie Silver." 

"Room 408, but he's in surgery right now. I'm going to have to ask you to wait in the waiting area please."

"Okay... Thank you."

Harry leads me to the seats and we get comfortable in the navy-blue plastic chairs.

"He's going to be fine Madyson, I know it."

"You're right."

My body is shaking, and my arms are getting goosebumps. Harry takes off his jacket and wraps it around my shoulders. He kisses my cheek and leans his head on my shoulder. "Thanks."

I watch the news and coincidentally One Direction is on the news. Harry dating? Are the boys from 1D okay with this?

"Do you like being famous?"

"Um... I like sharing our music and the supportive fans that come with this, but I don't like being followed by so many cameras everywhere."

I turn my head around to look out the glass windows behind us, only to be blinded by the flash of many photographers. I point to the pest, "How do you deal with them."

He looks back, "I try to ignore them and what they say because they are not always true to their word."

"Are they right about Harry dating someone?" I smile.

"Well, I don't know. They're not being specific." He leans in to kiss me and I lean back rejecting him.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Let them see us kiss, I want them to know I'm in love with the most gorgeous girl in Los Angeles. My lovey Maydson Silver."

The kiss is out of this world, but short because my mom coughs. I make a face at her from across the room and then I notice our surroundings. The area is quiet and empty, no one in sight except the person at a desk staring at us.

"Jessica Silvers?"

My mom ascends from her chair and rushes to the desk. "That's me."

"Follow me please."

My mom does as she's told, and I wait next to Harry as I'm anxious to know the news. Is he fine, is he done with surgery?

A few minutes pass before my mom reappears. She tells us that he will be alright. Apparently, his appendix burst and that's what caused him to drive his car into a lamp post. 

I'm just glad that no one else was hurt. 

She further informs us that he will need to stay overnight. "He can come home tomorrow for sure."

My eyes flicker to Harry, "It's getting late, you should get some sleep."

"Sure." He pecks my lips and then says, "I love you."

"I love you too." I watch as he leaves, into the crowd of paparazzi, and I count the seconds, the minutes, the hours until I can see him again...

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now