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{A few years later.}

Zayn was the first to leave One Direction, and then the band took a break until they each became an individual recording artist. There were, however, no hard feelings between them during this amicable conclusion as the boys, now men, would keep in touch, often surfacing the media headlines- the recent one being that a reunion tour was in the works.

As for Liam and Harry's relationship, they eventually forgave each other. It took them a good thirty minutes to do so in a European coffee shop; Harry no longer had animosity toward our relationship and the anger Liam held onto for so long (partly on my behalf) changed into an understanding of forgiveness. They didn't talk most days due to busy schedules, but when they did have time and were in the same country or state, their priority was to always hang out.

It was my idea to arrange an early lunch with Harry, asking Liam because I didn't have his number if he could ask Harry to meet with us the next time he was in the UK. I was ready to see Harry and more than anything free Liam of his guilt for still wanting to be friends. I tried many times to reassure him of my happiness for them talking again, but I could sense Liam often felt like he was betraying me in some way. All things considered, I intended to start my future with Liam without past conflicts weighing heavily on both of our bruised hearts and this was how it needed to be.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Liam scans my face to check if my convictions will waver.

"Positive." I kiss his cheek before I take his arm to lead me into the restaurant.

Inside, the room is dimly lit, illuminating the lobby where a few people are waiting to be seated. The furniture is elegant, almost reminding me of the ones you see in movies depicting French restaurants, and they're brown with the occasional tint of monochromatic red pillows. Liam guides me to a hostess' podium and while awaiting the employee to return, his eyes search the crowded room of seated customers being waited on by multiple waiters.

"Liam!" Harry shouts from across the restaurant, and then rushes from the bar to hug Liam with a glass of rum in hand.

"Hey mate!"

I haven't physically seen Harry since that day in the hospital, lying wounded in bed as he repeatedly apologized to me for speaking insensitive words to me. Overall, he looks better than we first met- he seems fitter, tan, and happier.

Old memories begin to surface as I watch Liam and Harry tease each other but I try to ignore the ones that would make me cry right there and then. I came here to make amends for causing the pain that ended him in the hospital and the emotional heartbreak after that day he found out about my deep love for Liam.

"Hello." Harry's head moves from his friend to me and our eyes meet for the first in a very long time. He reaches out his hand to shake mine, cautioning this reunion but I embrace him instead. I whisper for the two of us to only hear as Liam does not really know why I have request for this lunch and because I'm embarrassed for the trouble I have caused him. "There's something I need to tell you," I say after kissing his cheek.

"Me too," his smile is warm and inviting- I'm gifted with that face before the unfortunate trauma.

Harry walks us to a reserved table and gestures for us to both have a seat. Liam pulls out a chair for me to sit and then pushes it in while I scoot toward the table.

"I've met someone."

My heart leaps in relief as I hear this, "That's wonderful, I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you, I met him on tour. I wish I could tell you his name, but he wants to publicly make us exclusive after the release of his second album."

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now