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Liam and I awkwardly sit across each other in the hospital cafeteria avoiding the food that steams on our trays. 

"If you two are going to stare at each other all day, can I at least have your food?" Niall waves his hand up and down in front of our faces until he gives up because we remain constant.

After a couple of minutes pass, I nod and push the platter to Niall; Liam grabs my wrist. He passes his mash potatoes, steak, and corn instead. "Here have mine." 

"Louis, did you see the hot nurse that just walked by?" Zayn asks poking his arm.

"What about Perrie?" He chuckles. 

"You know I'm just kidding."

"I'm sorry. You're all here because of me and Harry is in pain...because of me. I can't do this, I'm sorry." I ascend from my chair and attempt to quickly walk away. I bump into tables, people, and even trip on my own feet. I ignore my sore bruises because I feel more guilt than anything and I need to at least exit through the doors that lead to the patient rooms.

I'm almost to my room when I have no more strength to pull the IV stand. Exhausted, I slide down against the wall and stick my head into my hands. I should have never left that day in school, I was stupid to think I would like a boy I just met let alone a celebrity. My life was so simple back then when I was a normal girl and not appearing in every magazine I used to read. I can't even go to the store without being noticed by fans who are either playing matchmaker: rooting for Liam and me, Harry and me, want to see me single forever, or worse.

"Excuse me? Are you okay?"

I look up to find a young girl maybe a couple of years older crouching before me. She is holding out her hand to help me up.

"Yes, thank you." I grab her soft, gentle hand.

"Your Madyson, right? I'm Delilah."

"I guess you've heard about me."

"I guess, but I'm neutral when it comes to listening to the media. I mean, they seem to make everyone look bad, right? If you ask me Niall has always been my favorite."

"Everything's true, I am a horrible person."

"I don't think so. Besides, most people who are horrible would never admit that they were."

"If only you knew."

"Then tell me. I just finished my volunteer work. I'm all yours."

"I couldn't burden you with my problems."

"Okay, well if you ever need to talk I'm here every Friday."

"Thank you. It was nice meeting you Delilah."

"Nice meeting you." As she walks away she pauses, "Oh, and everything will get better. You'll see."


I pass through the electronic sliding doors to the hospital garden and decide to rest. I sit on the outsude of a well-decorated stone fountain and watch as the sun bounces off the water, illuminating the reflection of the various flowers growing on a thick vine. Pedals of white roses fall onto the surface of the clear water and float. It's peaceful and quiet enough to drift into a deep slumber...

[I'm looking up, at the night sky and feeling restricted. My arms are bound by something heavy, and I struggle to escape. Then I find muscular arms wrapped around my torso and I turn my head to find... find Liam lying beside me. As I lean in, he turns, back to me and arms retracted, disappearing from my sight. His touch is gone, and his lips are no longer inches from mine. I'm about to reach to grab his shoulder and pull him close to me but I can't. Someone's hold is still keeping me from Liam. I look to the left to find Harry sleeping in a tense matter. His cheeks are stitched, lips scarred, and complexion pale in the stars' glow. I attempt to wiggle out of his grasp, but his nails begin to dig into my skin. I can smell the iron scent of blood and I panic. Harry opens his eyes and smiles. I'm terrified, "Please, let me go." He laughs, "I. Will. Never. Leave. You. Alone." I wince in pain and close my eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry...]

I shake, whip my head, push myself away, and beg. "Please. I'm sorry..."

"Madyson! Open your eyes." Liam sits next to me on the stone arm of the fountain.  

"I, I..." I'm interrupted by lips pressing against mine. They're warm, smooth, and enough to relax my muscles. I break away, stare at his lips, and touch mine. He's frozen as he watches how I'll react to this behavior. 

I rest my head against his chest and close my eyes, "Don't let me go."

"Never again." He picks me up in the manner a groom would carry his bride and tenderly kisses me.


"Do you miss them?" I open and close my fingers intertwined in his. I refuse to let them go. 

We sit in the hospital's waiting room while my parents discharge me at the front desk.

"Everyday. I try to call at least once a day." 

"I think my family would love you." His giddiness is infectious. 

"Tell me more about them." 

"My mum, she's beautiful, and my father has only ever loved her. Ruth and Nicola, my older sisters, are wonderful. They've always been supportive."

"I would love to meet your family someday."

"Come with me then, to England I mean. After the tour is over, it can just be me and you. Think of it as an early Christmas present." 

"And my parents? They won't..."

"Bring them too."

"Liam, I can't intrude..."

"Madyson, I love you." Liam's gaze engulfs me, and I feel a million butterflies rush into my stomach. 

"I love you too. I love you so much. I love you." Even though I have a shortage of breath after saying this, I violently kiss him. I know in my heart that I am in madly in love with Liam and only him. 

It's our first "confession" to each other.

Age is but a Number & State of Mind (Fan Fiction - Harry Styles/Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now