Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Alright Crista, you're finally getting out of here!" Marissa cheered as Nico and Chase helped me up from the bed.

"You're saying it as if I've been locked up in jail," I said, letting out a small laugh.

I was finally put out of bed rest, thank gods. Chiron insisted that I stay in the big house until my wounds fully heal and they did after a couple of ambrosia and nectar filled days. Chase and Marissa would visit every day and bring me food while Nico would always stay with me which was sweet and all.

"I'm right here," Nico whispered, snaking his arm around my waist and holding my hand. He kept me beside him as we walked out of the Big House. My sight hasn't come back and Chiron has been figuring out ways to bring it back. He gave me the same concoction he made before but it didn't work.

"Crista! Finally out of the slammer!" Jack yelled as he gently hugged me. I laughed and looked down at the floor... well, at least what I thought was the floor. If I'm accidentally looking at Jack's crotch well then I'm glad I'm blind.

"So is Nico like your personal assistant now?" Jack asked and I shrugged.

"I dunno with him."

"Yup," Nico said.

"Well isn't that sweet," Jack said. I wanted to knee him in the nuts soooo bad. "How are you doing, Crista?"

"Fine," I said. "Well, I can't see, there's that. But otherwise, I'm fine."

"Oh, sarcasm is an outfit that suits you best," Chase said.

"And trying to sound fancy suits you horribly," I retorted and they all laughed.

"Come on," Nico said, guiding me as I walked. "Let's get you to lunch."

"What are we having?" I asked.

"Steak," Jack said, probably with a smirk. "What else?"

"You guys know me too well," I said. I'd roll my eyes but I'm kinda blind so... what's the point of that?

We all had lunch together and they told me about what happened while I was stuck in the Big House, rotting away. Nico spent most of his time with me there while Marissa and Chase took charge of teaching the kids we brought here what there was to know about who they were and stuff. Oh, and they had a bunch of dates together too. According to Nico and Jack, they were all lovey-dovey most of the time.


Jack has been the usual jackass he was, except now; he was an out of the closet gay that was as fabulous as can be. No one really talked smack about him, not even the Ares kids which was very surprising.

They told me that everyone's been bummed out about my current condition, though I highly doubt that. Now I realize how I never really tried to get close with the other campers. Now I just feel bad. Damn.

Oh to frack with it, I saved their lives.

Cocky. I know.

"Waterrrrr!!!" I groaned. I heard them laugh but I shook it off. I felt something cold against my lips and soon, I was drinking water to my heart's content.

"Aww, so sweet!!!" Marissa yelled. "You guys are totes my otp."

"Did you just say totes?" I asked.

"Oh shush. You guys look like the cutest couple ever."

"We're not a couple," Nico said, laughing.

"Not yet, anyways," Chase added.

"Oh shut up," I said.

"It's really sweet, though," Marissa said. "You guys have been spending every moment together! I mean, come on, he's feeding you, guiding you around and stuff like that! You guys are seriously cute together!"

"Just pop the question already, dude," Chase told Nico.

"What question?" I asked.

"I have no idea," Nico muttered as he let out a sigh.

After lunch, Nico and I headed out to my little cave, you know, the one I mentioned earlier where Chiron let me keep all my stuff? We just sat on the ground, covered with pillows and I just rested there. I know, I shouldn't really be exhausted or anything since Nico's already there to attend to my every need but it was still emotionally tiring.

"Nico?" I asked.


"Am I being a burden?"

"Oh come on, not this again," he said, laughing. "I told you, you're never a burden. This is kinda fun. It's like I have my own puppet."

"So I'm nothing but a puppet now, huh?" I asked laughing. I felt him cup my cheeks and leavea his on my head.

"You're more than that."

Ooh jeez. Here it comes.


Oh. Crap.

"Aww, are you blushing?" he asked and I turned away... well, I hope I did.


"You ARE blushing!"

"Shut up," I groaned. I just heard him laugh. I leaned on his chest and we just stayed there in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable or anything. If anything, it was calming.

"What are you thinking about?" Nico asked and I shrugged.

"A lot of things," I said. "This goddamn blindness, how weak I am, or whatever the hell happened down at that lake, and how in the world I fell into a three freaking week long coma. Yup, I'm thinking about a lot of things. How'd you even get pulled into that damn lake, by the way?"

"I was just chilling by the bridge," he said, sighing. "Then some scaly thing grabbed my leg and pulled me into the water. I tried fighting it off but another one came then I got knocked unconscious."

"How'd they even get past the barrier?" I asked myself. Whatever Percy was doing, it wasn't really helping so far.

"I don't know," Nico muttered. "You know, I keep thinking to myself that it's my fault you're in this situation in the end."

"Hey, don't think that," I said, sitting up. "Where the hell are you?"

I heard him laugh as he held my waist, facing me towards him. That sent a shiver down my spine for an unknown reason. Dammit.

"This isn't your fault," I said.

"It is, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Dammit Nico."

"Well there is something you could do about it..."

"Really? What's that?"

"Oh... nevermind."


"Nah, maybe I shouldn't."


He just laughed and hugged me. I couldn't push him away.

"It's not your fault, Nico," I whispered. "Don't blame yourself."

"But I am."

Trying to Remember (A Percy Jackson Fan Fiction[Nico di Angelo])Where stories live. Discover now