Ch. 12 - RTTE

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Art not mine grrrr

The episode where Snotlout dresses up undercover. But instead it's Ace dressed up as an unknown viking, along the way they meet a very special person who Ace has known and missed for a very long time. With the two of them, both foreigners far from beyond the archipelago, they have to go undercover and infiltrate the grimborn auction. Except Viggo soon finds out the unknown vikings are working for the dragon riders and is intrigued to know the real identity of Ace and his friend.

AN: holy shit 5480 words


After Dagur’s sacrifice and note, the dragons riders all agreed they should infiltrate the auction with stealth. Johann managed to steal a map that led to the dragon auction. And now all of the dragon riders are in the hall of their edge gathered for a meeting.

“Extra ships on the perimeter. Guards everywhere. Catapults and watchtowers on the cliffs. Dragon root arrow launchers on every sea stack within a half mile. There's no way in or out, period.” Hiccup exclaimed, a serious frown plastered all over his face. Tuffnut on the other hand attempted to cheer their leader up, but to no avail. “This is however, the perfect opportunity to put a big dent on Viggo's dragon trade.” Hiccup exclaimed. “But how?” Astrid spoke up, followed by a laugh behind her from Fishlegs. “Astrid, I’m sure Hiccup has an idea!” he spoke confidently, but perked up at the brunette, his smile vanishing. “You do have an idea, right?”

Snotlout began as he stood beside hookfang, leaning on a wall. “Let me guess, cruise right into the place and announce ourselves!” followed by a bellowing laughter, but Hiccup didn't oppose the idea. “You know, I think we need someone to get close to Viggo.” The brunette placed a hand under his chin, “Keep him busy while we find the rest of those dragons.”

“Now it has to be someone Viggo wouldn't suspect even once, because he's never seen him up close or never at all..” Snotlout stuck his pinky finger on his nose, but Hiccup was looking at somebody else otherwise. He stared at Ace as a dragon, but everyone mistook his gaze at Snotlout and both Astrid and Heather exclaimed in disgust. “Seriously, him? You've got to be kidding.” the blonde began. “What- what? No, not Snotlout. Sure Viggo’s never seen him before, but I've got somebody else in mind.”


“I will fry you up.” Ace snarled at his human while Hiccup stared at his dragon back at their house in the evening. Two days before the grimborn auction and they have to fly back to berk to get their gold. “I’m sorry, you have to do this, for us, for the dragons.” The brunette begged, rubbing his hand over Ace’s snout then scratched his chin, which tempted the dragon-human to give in, but Ace isn't giving in so easily. “I’ll think about it. Give me time until we get to berk.”

And so morning arrives, the dragon riders head to berk to ask for the chief’s permission for taking berk's entire cache of gold. Ace returned to his human form and ran off to different directions in berk while Hiccup headed for the meade hall for a private meeting with Gobber and Stoick. The dragon and his rider both agreed to meet up at the kill ring after a few minutes. Laughter erupted from the two men in the mead hall, while Hiccup stared at them seriously. “Oh sure! Take berk's entire cache of gold!” the chief spoke sarcastically but noticed how quiet his son has been the whole time. “Here, take it all!” Gobber added, placing his peg leg on the table and then his silver tooth. But as soon as Gobber regained his senses and glanced at Stoick, his head snapped at the brunette. “Not funny Hiccup.”

“If you weren't my son, I’d lock you up right now!” Stoick began seriously, pointing a finger at his boy. “You have no idea what you're suggesting boy!”

“Viggo Grimborn is the most ruthless viking we've ever come in contact with.” Hiccup began, arms on his hip. “If we don't do something to disrupt this auction, Viggo will make so much gold, he'll be able to buy an armada of dragon-hunting ships and reinforce his empire. No dragon will be safe, and eventually set his sights on berk and on our dragons.”

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