Chapter 1-The Beginning

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"Mom, where is my potion's book," I asked.

"How should I know, you need to take better care of your stuff," she replied.

"I understand but I have you and dad here so I am okay for the time being," I mentioned.

"Sanjay, is this the book that you are looking for," she said.

I ran to find the book on the floor. I picked it up and ran to my room. "Thanks mom," I screamed as I went to my room.

I was studying for my magic potions exam and I know how my parents are about my grades. Being the son of one of the magic council members is great but its also annoying because everyone expects great things from you. I just want to be normal. While I was studying, I heard the front door close. Then I started hearing whisper so I decided to get up. As I was walking toward the front, my dad met me in the hallway,

"Go to my room and get the emergency bag that I prepared for you," he said abruptly.

"Emergency bag? Why do I need an emergency bag right now? Is this another drill?" I said.

"No, this is not a drill. They are coming and you have to be prepared," he said.

"Prepared for what, I am scared," I said.

"Just go to your mom and everything will be cleared up later," he said as a he ran to his office and started destroying things.

I ran to my mom and found her doing the same things. I was lost because they were destroying important documents that held a lot of incredible information about magic.

"Sanjay, listen carefully because I don't much time to say this twice. Go in the closet and get that bag. Don't ever lose that bag. It is magically enchanted so only you can open it. It has clothes for you and some other things you may need," she said as she went into her jewelry box, "take this necklace. It's our family symbol but we also left a message inside for you to listen to whenever you feel alone."

"Mom, what is going on? I don't understand. Please talk to me, I need to understand." I said.

"Come here my baby boy. I love you and everything that your father and I did was for you. I need you to know that. I also need you to be safe. Keep your ring on in order to regulate your power and keep all the stuff that we gave to you safe. We may not see each other for a while but remember that we love you," she said as she gave me a hug.

My dad then came into the room, "they are here. Did you finish destroying everything and giving Sanjay the stuff."

"Yeah, I gave it to him.," my mom said.

"Sanjay, I need you to be strong. I have taught you a lot and I need to use everything that I have taught you. We love and I need you to do whatever they see," my dad said.

"We have the house surrounded, give up Leo. We don't want thing to escalade any further," someone said outside.

"Fine, as long as you let Sanjay out. He has nothing to do with this. He is innocent," my father replied.

"Fine, open the door and let the boy come outside and I guarantee that he will be safe," the person outside replied.

My dad looked at me and mumbled, "Be Strong and stay free" which is our family crest as he opened the door. I didn't want to go but both of my parents push me out the door. Once I stepped out the door, someone took my hands and pulled it all the door to the back of what looked the magic police unit.

I saw a familiar face. "New, what is going on here? What are you trying to do to my parents? You are his friend and you would do something like that? My parent is innocent of whatever you think they did."

I kept on talking about he acted like he did here one word from me. Then another officer went to his ear and said something. He replied to the person by nodding his head. The officer then came to me and said, "Somnus."

The officer just cast a sleep spell on me and I knew that I could try to fight the spell but this one of those spells that you could not win the battle against.

I started to feel very sleep when I heard someone say, "Destroy the house with the lovely couple inside."

I wanted to say something but I was fighting a losing sleeping battle. I fell asleep not knowing what happened to my parents.

I don't know how long I was asleep for. I woke up in a strange room and someone else's bed. I sat up and started walking toward the noise I was hearing in the kitchen. I walked around the corner and saw New and his wife Sam.

"Where is my parent's New and why am I here? I want to go home," I said.

"Oh Sanjay, please sit down I have some terrible news," New said.

"I don't want to sit down. I just want to go home," I replied.

Sam and New look at each other with somber sight.

"Sanjay, I am sorry to tell you this but your parents died before we even had the chance to talk to them yesterday. I am not sure why but it seems like they prefer to kill themselves instead of being arrested," New said.

"No, this cant be. They would never kill themselves. This cant be...No," I started saying with tears coming down my face. I knew that the chances of them surviving was slim especially from what I remembered someone said but I was hoping it was just a dream.

"As your godfather, you are welcome to stay here as long as you want. That is what your parents would have wanted for us to do. The room you woke up in is your room new and your stuff is in the room," he said.

I could not stand to see his face right now and I needed to leave the room before I do something that I would get in trouble for. I just started dragging myself to the room without saying anything back. At that moment, I had nothing to say to New because I know that they killed my parents. I don't know why but I know they did it. When I finally got to the room, I couldn't control the tears anymore. I started crying into the pillow. My heart ache and the pain would not reside. Then I remembered something that my parents said about the necklace they gave me. I sat up and started to look at it. It looks just like any other necklace but I know my father. I put the necklace on and whisper, "Be Strong and Be Free." The room started to shift and I ended up in my mother's bed. I wanted to believe that I was in their room one more time but I figured that this necklace was a magic recorder. They must have left a message for me in this necklace. Next to me I found a note, "To activate the recording, secrecy is needed. Until all unauthorized listeners are block out, the message will not begin."

I figured my dad had put up safety protocols so only I can receive the message. I took of the necklace and went through my bag to this crystal my dad created for me. It is designed to blocked out all psychic readings from everyone outside the room, so no one can use their psychic touch to spy on me. I place the crystals around the room and place the necklace around my neck once more. After I said the family crest, the room once again shifted and in front of me was my parents. I want to reach out to them but I knew that they are not here.

"Sanjay, if you are watching this then it means we are gone from this plane of existence. I know you must be sad but I need you to be strong. Remember everything we taught you about the chaos and lies of the world that we are currently living in Remember, I told you that the magical council controls everything. If anyone steps out of line, they disappear. They must have found out that I know the truth about what they are doing so they came after me. I know that we said that we will always better to protect you, Dao but I need you to protect yourself now," my dad said.

"I love you my little star and I need you to be strong. Don't trust anyone especially anyone that we knew. They are all involved. We are sorry for leaving you by yourself. I know that we are going but this necklace has our memories stored in it. You can come here whenever you are sad. Keep that ring in your hand in order to keep your powers in check. Remember Be Strong and Be Free," my mom said as tears started pouring down her face.

She then started to hum, "you are my sunshine" which was the tune she hummed whenever I was scared so I can feel at ease and fall asleep. I closed my eyes and picture her there holding me and humming those words in my ears. I started to cry and don't even remember when I stopped crying. I think I may have cried till I feel asleep. 

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