Chapter 6

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I woke up, looked at the sky and wanted to go back to sleep but I didn't. I got up and got ready for school. New never said anything to more nor did I want him to say anything. I got out the car and started walking to my first class. As I walked toward class, I felt like all eyes were on me. I heard whispering but I wasn't really sure if they was about me or not. I wanted to disappear at this moment. I went straight to class and sit all the way in the back. I didn't interact with anyone. It was like something spread over night and it was about me. During the class I had with Sun, I made sure to stay out of sight. When I walked in the cafeteria during lunch, I saw Sun sitting next to Samantha. He looked really miserable and she just kept on clinging to him as if she lets go, he would disappear. As I started to walk, my eyes met Sun's eye for a second. Samantha saw that I was looking at their direction and quickly pull Sun's head around in order to kiss. Sun quickly pushes her away. I wanted to hurt Samantha at that moment but I controlled myself and just walk to the farthest table and ate by myself. I didn't mind being alone but I hated when Samantha does something to push my buttons. As I was slowly eating alone, a note appeared on the table. I looked around to see where it came from but I did see anyone. So, I read the note,

"To the one who stole my heart,

please meet me at the building

with the most stories during your last class,

your mind reader."

I looked up toward Sun direction and our eyes met and he smiled as if he knew that I knew received the paper and I knew the answer.

During my last class, I asked to go to the bathroom which was a lie. Instead, I went to the library and went toward the back of the library that had books on minding reading. I went through all the isles in that section but still couldn't find Sun. The last isle brought me to a wall which was the back of the library. I was getting frustrated because I thought that I misunderstood the paper. I started to think about which building in the school would have the most stories when a hand reaches out from the wall and pulled me in. I was startled by what was happening and didn't really know how to react. I turned and it was Sun. Before I had a chance to say anything, he put his hand around me and gave me a warm but gentle hug.

"I miss you," he said.

"Are you sure you miss me? I saw how you and Samantha was kissing and everything," I jokingly replied. I saw his face changed a little when I made that joke so I quickly said, "I am playing. I understand what is going on and how they are forcing to do this."

"If you understand so well, can I get a kiss to help with the pain that I have to endure for the sake of our love," he said.

I was baffled by how he was trying to manipulate me into kissing him but also happy that he was taking that kind of initiative. So, I gave a peck on his lips. He returns grabbed me and put his lips on mind and tried to slip his tongue into my mouth but I stopped him.

"So how do you know about this location," I asked.

"Some students in the past created this place in order to hide out or something. I was doing a project a few years ago and heard some people talking about it. I never had any use for it until now. Sit with me for a second my cute boyfriend," he replied.

"Boyfriend? I never gave you an answer but I will sit with you....... boyfriend," I replied.

"I am sorry about my parents and how they treated you. I am sorry about this whole situation because we can't openly be together. We cant even practice for that stupid competition that is coming up because my parents came to the school and requested that we're not allowed to be around each other. The school listened because of who they work for," he said.

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