Chapter 4

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After gym class, I made sure to stay away from Samantha and her friends. I did feel a little bit bad for making fun of her but she deserved it as well. After school finished, I got a ride from New again. He tried to make small conversation with me about my day but I only replied with either ayes or no. I never went into details about anything. I got to his house and went to the room I was staying in. I was a little bit tired so I went straight to be to take a nap. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I feel a tingling sensation which caused me to wakeup. I looked around and I was in a field of flowers which means that Sun manipulated my surroundings in order to talk to me but the magical connection was not strong. I felt like the sound from his surrounding was leaking into the telepathic communication spell that performed. I look up and was what I saw shocked me to the point that I manifested a pillow and threw it at Sun. 

 Sun was standing in front of me nude. He was just standing in the nude with his fair skin, smooth chest, slender lightly muscled body. I wanted to keep on looking but I knew he was taken. 

"What the hell are you doing Sun," I screamed, "put on some clothes or get out of my head." 

"I am sorry, I am having difficulties controlling my magic," he responded. 

 All of a sudden, I started to hear a woman moaned. I knew it was not in my room which means this noise is coming from Sun's room. As I continued to listen to the moan, I knew it was Samantha. 

"Are you fucking someone right now while you are here right now," I yelled.

 "I am sorry. We just somehow  ended up having sex but I kept on thinking about you and here I am," he replied.

 "Nope, get out of my head or I will kick you out because this is ridiculous. Go fucking pleasure your girlfriend and don't talk to me again. This is weird and I don't want to be part of whatever you are trying todo," I said.

 "I am just having problems controlling my thoughts. I am really sorry. I am trying to leave but it's hard," he said. 

"No, its not hard for you to leave. Its your dick that is hard but I will help you," I replied. "Cerebral Sanctum" was the spell I cast which protected my mind from any unwanted visitors. I am not sure if he knows how long the spell last. I was not mad at what I saw but he has a girlfriend and I was able to hear her moan. At this point, I did not want to talk to him anymore unless it was for the school assignment.

 The next day came and I made sure that Sun and I was never alone in the same room or same vicinity. Every time I saw him coming toward me, I create a small wind and fog because I did not want to talk to him. After school, he tries to contact me but I use the "Cerebral Sanctum" spell once I get inside the room New is letting me borrow. I was not trying to get in between anyone so I made sure that I had no contact with either of them. 

The week ended and I was happy with my progress. Monday arrived and I was ready for the day to end because I really hate Mondays. I walked into school thinking it was just another day forgetting that the Paravatai ceremony was that day. Instead of going to our regular class, the senior class had to go to the outdoor courtyard. On the ground was the triquetra which was there to absorb elemental magic during the ceremony or at least that is what the students are told. Most of the ceremony is for show because the pairing has been already chosen. The spell never actually works. The headmistress of the school came out and started speaking.

 "Good day everyone. As you all should know, today is the day we divine who you shall be paired up with for life. This is a magical ceremony where your life partner is determine so be proud of this wonderful tradition you are about to take part in. As the eclipse happens, we will draw the magical energy that is needed. Everyone please take a paper, write your name on it and place it in the cauldron," she said. 

Everyone did as she says and placed their name in the cauldron. When the eclipse started, everyone stepped back and the headmistress and two other teachers started casting the spell together,"

Sun and moon help us now,

We seek the truth here not yet found,

For underneath the fog there lies,

New possibilities for you and I,
So let this time be unlike others,
And let the noble show their colors,
And let the meek and cowards run,
For now the moon seeks out her sun,
And by the power that is three,
So as we will it, so mote it be."

As they finish casting the spells, a large blue flame erupted in the cauldron burning the paper to crips. The wind started to howl, thunder cracks in the sky. Everyone looked anxious and worries especially the teachers. I did not understand why they would look worried when I knew that they were the ones creating these magical special effects. The abnormal weather and flames in the cauldron lasted for few minutes before everything calmed down. The eclipse reached its peak and the sky was dark. The lanterns in the courtyard lit up magically and the cauldron was now filled with envelops. I turned to my left and saw Sun looking at me. I knew he wanted to talk to me but I did not want to talk to him so I turned. But before I finish turning, I saw Samantha holding the dark crystal in her hand. I guess she was going to get her man. I was not paying attention when I received an envelope on my lap. Everyone was happy and ready to open their envelope to see who they were paired with. 

 "You may open it now," the headmistress said.

Everyone started to open their envelope. So people react with excitement and joy while some was sad at the person who they was paired with. I turned to see Samantha jumping up and down which meant that she was paired with Sun. I turned to Sun and saw that he had received two envelope which was extremely peculiar. He stood up and walked start to the headmistress and showed her his hands. She was shocked because she have never seen this happen before. The other students were blinded by the own envelope to see what was happening. The headmistress asked Sun to open the envelopes. He opens the first one which I assume was Samantha because he looked in her direction. Then he opened the second envelope and for some reason looked in my direction. I was shocked because I know the process behind this ceremony so how did he receive two envelopes. The headmistress signal Samantha and myself to come to her. I didn't know what to expect. As I walked toward the headmistress, I felt like everyone's eye was on me. For the first time, I was lost for words and I was kind of scared.

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