So much for a smooth evening

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Leo: He/Him

Raph: She/Her

Donnie: They/Them

Mikey: Any


If you told Leo that he would be sitting here, with half his left leg missing, close to passing out from blood loss, he would have laughed in your face.

Now though, he would have wished he had heeded your warning.

Guess I should explain what happened hm?


It was a normal mission for Leo, stop the bad guy and return the stolen stuff.

"Relax guys, we've got it", Leo spoke out in a confident tone, he heard Raph sigh and Mikey let out a little laugh through his communicator, "He said with idiotic confidence", Donnie said in a monotone voice.

Leo smiled as he sat on the roof peering down at New York City, newly rebuilt buildings shining from the city lights below. It had been a few months after the Kraang attack, and it didn't make the fear of another attack go away, but he knew him, and his brothers, would be ready for the challenge if that ever happened. It was when he was caught up in thought that he saw the person or yokai he was essentially hunting down.

"I found the guy we're looking for", He spoke softly as if the being could have heard him from on top of the building. "Ok sneak up from behind, we'll cover any other exits", Leo turned off his communicator and ready his katanas, he felt power from deep within flow through his arms and hands as he opened a portal with the help of his katanas.

He stepped through the light blue portal and found himself in an alleyway behind the person. He had all his body and was pulling his left leg through the portal when he spoke out.

"Okay man, misses, or person let's get-", he stopped himself as he heard the portal make a shurk sound and immediately after he felt an explosion of pain from his leg, he fell to the ground dropping his weapons midway, 2 loud clangs echoed as he hit the ground.

Tears started spilling from his eyes as he backed up into a wall looking down at his leg. He saw how it was completely sliced clean a little bit above the kneecap, showing muscle and the bone, blood spilling out of the wound faster, he let out an ear-piercing scream as more pain blossomed from his leg.

"LEO!", he heard his older sister Raph scream out as he screamed out in pain again, this one sounding more like shrill and more pain ridden than the last. He felt someone pick him up and something being pressed against his severely bleeding wound, he hissed out in pain more tears spilling down.

He heard more yelling as his ears begun to ring and his eyes became heavy. He knew he needed to stay awake but the cool, black water engulfing his vision looked so comforting, surely just closing his eyes wouldn't be that bad right?


He'll just close his eyes for one minute....


A leg for a legWhere stories live. Discover now