Mikey's interlude

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Mikey had been throwing himself into her cooking and art in order to avoid his problems. They knew that it was bad, but he couldn't help it, the therapy session was fine, Zip hadn't forced her to talk about anything.

They knew that Leo was up and walking around in the dead of night, but that was their older brother's business. Besides, they've got stuff he's gotta do. Mikey walked into her room and pulled out two bags from under her bed, one red the other black. She opened the red bag and pulled out a yellow and black hoodie with different colors faded on it, some black baggy pants that also had different colors faded on it. And last but not least a gas mask and straps to hold stuff.

She put them on, grabbed the black bag, and grabbed her nunchucks. She hopped onto his bed and lifted a poster to see a tunnel. When their was experimenting with his powers she'd accidentally broke through the wall and to the surface, thankfully the hole was under a garbage bin so it was covered.

Mikey crawled into the hole and made sure the poster was in the perfect position before he progressed, he made sure not to cut his hands or knees on the sharp rocks in the tunnel. Once he made it to the top and crawled up from under the garbage bin he brought out his nunchucks and let his mystic powers flow through them.

They threw out one and watched as it grabbed onto a railing and they began to climb up the building's wall, being careful as to not be seen just yet. Once they made it on top of the building he shot out his other nunchuck and watched as the glowing chains attached themselves to a skyscraper and with that he jumped off the building he was on and began to swing. They kept swinging higher and higher till he launched himself into the air for a moment everything stopped and then they felt the wind hit their face full force and their falling.

She launched her glowing nunchucks into the air and watched the latch onto the buildings, she began to lower down in height until she came across the alleyway he was looking for. He halted and dropped down to the ground and he put down his black bag and looked forward to seeing the mural he'd been working on. It tells the story of who really defeated the Kraang and what it did to his family. It was almost done, it just needed a few final touch ups.

He zipped open the black bag to see his almost empty spray paint cans, all different hues of colors. He took out an orange and started to spray the edge of the bottom part of the mural.

An hour later

She put away the spray cans and zipped the bag closed, she looked up to see the final product of a week's worth of hours put into it and the final product was something to be admired. Mikey pulled out a phone April bought her (using money that Donnie had definitely not stolen) and took pictures of it. After that they pulled out his nunchucks and began to swing home with one thing on their mind.

'Me and my siblings need to talk'

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