A talk between good friends and the beginning of true healing

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Casey speed walked over as Leo began to speak, "Hey Case, been a bit huh?", Leo's voice wavered as Casey's face was unreadable Leo was about to speak again but was stopped when Casey practically fell on him, hugging him with strength the slider didn't know the kid had

Leo immediately hugged the kid back and made a motion with his hand for the others to leave. Donnie looked as though he might say something but was shut up by April pulling him out by his bandana.

Once everyone was out Casey separated from the slider, "Sorry Sensei, it's just just- nevermind forget it", Casey soke quickly, most would say too quickly but for Leo it was a-okay

"Hey Casey, It's alright, If you don't wanna tell me now that's fine! 'Sides I haven't seen you in a bit, how have you been?", Leo spoke in a kind tone, he knew that Casey was like him when it came to the overthinking/feeling hiding department, so sometimes it's best to get him off the subject at hand and have him focus more on another subject.

"It's been going great honestly! It was hard to adjust at first, but it got better over time. I started online school and I'm at the top of my class! I'm essentially the 'head baker' at mom's bakery! I even made a new friend!"

Candy continued to chat away at everything he's been up too and Leo couldn't help but have a stupid proud smile on his face. He couldn't help but reach out and pull the kid into a strong hug

"I'm so happy and so proud that your adjusting and rising in your new life so quickly, you really are a good and talented kid, never forget that", he heard a sniffle and felt the kid hug him back strongly, "I-I thought that i lost you again, when they told me what happened and that you hadn't woken up in 2 days I-I th-thought-"

Casey didn't finish the sentence due to bursting out crying, his chest heaving with sobs. Leo sat there smiling sadly, hugging the boy back just as strongly and rubbing circles on his back

"I'm not going anywhere Case, I promise", they sat there like that for the next five minutes until Casey pulled back from the hug, wiping away and tears left

"I'll be holding you to that promise", he said with a wet laugh, Leo joined him after a couple of seconds and Casey began talking about how things had been going until his phone (that April and Leo insist he got) went off.

"Sorry Sensei but that's my que to leave, my break ends in five minutes so I gotta hurry, I'll bring you something the next time I visit, bye!", Casey got up and started to jog out before he was stopped one final time

"Casey if you pass Raph tell him to come in here alone will you?", Casey sent a thumbs up and waved goodbye, Leo waved back as well but not with as much enthusiasm as the other had

A couple of minutes later he heard someone enter the med bay.

He looked up and met Raph in the eye.

"We need to talk."

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