The scars are showing and healing now

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"Yeah, I guess we do", Raph said as she walked over and hopped on the bed sitting across from the slider. It was silent between the two, Rah looking everywhere and everything, but Leo and Leo stared down at his hands, which were notably shaking.

"I think you know why I called you in here to talk about", Leo spoke in a serious tone which was rare for him, he was usually known for being the kick backed yet self-rigorous in his own way but when he's serious you know you've either fucked up or you need a boost.

"....Leo...Why're you so calm about your entire situation... you lost more than half your leg yet you're making sure that we're the ones that's getting comforted... So why?", Leo was silent, he genuinely didn't know how he was so calm about this entire ordeal.

"Not even I know why I'm like this, I think it's because my mind is treating this whole thing as a bad dream even though I know that it's a real thing that's happening" , Leo was still staring at his hands, which were shaking even more than before.

Raph stayed silent, almost as if she was urging Leo to go on, which Leo did, "It feels like I'm here but I'm not. I know I'm here and I'm not dream but it still feels that way...not to mention it feels like I've got another person inside of me telling me  'Your fine' or 'don't tell your siblings because they don't give a fuck and they've got their own problems to deal' so honestly....I think there's so, so much going on in my mind that I'm just.... Not here I guess."

Raph sat there processing what her little brother said while her little brother was close to crying but was holding in and his hands were practically vibrating. It was then Raph bought her younger brother in for a hug, "Oh Leo....Just....", Raph genuinely didn't know what to say, she had her suspicions that Leo wasn't doing that great mentally, but she didn't think it had gotten this bad.

She knew there was so much more Leo was hiding but she wasn't going to try, she knew that it was best to back off the topic for now, besides she needs to start looking for a therapist for all of them. While she won't admit it, she's got issues as well.

Leo calmed down after a bit so Raph started to speak', "hey bud you with me?", Leo didn't respond but he nodded 'Okay he's in non-verbal mode, good to know' , "You want me to leave so you can rest?", Leo nodded and made a square shape with his hands.

"Do you want me to get the tablet?", Raph knew that it was a weird guess, but she was happy to see it was the right one. She got up and walked over to the medical counter and unplugged the tablet. She walked back over, handed it to Leo and started to walk out before turning around and speaking, "Don't eat too many sweets okay", Leo nodded happily and waved his big sister bye as she walked out of the med bay.

Once she heard the door shut, she mumbled to herself.

"Time to find us therapists... yayyyyyy"

A leg for a legWhere stories live. Discover now