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We finished up the night and Sasha and Jack came to stay at ours again and, guess what? We were going shopping again the next day. We decided to not shop as much because my bank account was going to break.

I wanted to fill the baby's new set of drawers with clothes and pjs and shoes and hats and literally everything. I also wanted a few more dummies for the dummy drawer. Yes, there was a drawer for the baby's dummies.

I really wanted little booties for when he was just born and it reminded me of his name. We hadn't chose him one yet.

• • •

I said night to Sasha and Jack and went to get a shower in my and Phil's bathroom.

I put on a cleansing balm to remove my makeup before getting a quick shower and drying my hair. I put it back in heartless curlers and went straight to bed even though it was early .

I was back at work for the first time in a while tomorrow so I wanted to be able to get up early and dressed, you know to look pretty.

I had plenty of office work and transfers to sort out with Khaldoon but that could wait till next week when he comes for his monthly visit. I made myself a mini checklist on my phone of what I needed doing for the day tomorrow and put on my alarm and put on my sleep silk eye mask then, finally, went to bed.

• • •

I woke up to my first alarm and jumped in the shower to give my body a nice wash and used a nice vanilla body scrub.

After that, I put on a nice little work outfit and woke Phil and Jack up to get ready to set off.

They set off earlier because they like to get breakfast before they go. I found a cute little outfit and got out some comfy shoes to go with it and then I could do my hair and makeup.

I curled my hair with the molly-mae curlers then did my usual makeup routine. I found my Dior sunglasses and made my morning smoothie instead of a coffee and we were about ready to go.

All I had to do was wait for Sasha. Sasha is the one person who takes the literal longest time out of everyone I've ever seen get ready.

I did her hair for her and put her shoes on as far as I could go down with my bump. I thought to myself for a hot minute whilst I wanted for her to come hopping down the stairs.

'Holy Shit!' I'm gonna be a mom soon. This was what my "baby-brain" consisted of.

Then I knew I needed to find baby boy a name. And that Phil needed to assemble his car seat and install it.

• • •

Sasha was finally ready and we got in my Range Rover then I drove Sasha to her mum and dads house then to work.

I stopped and got pep and Claire a coffee and tempted myself not to take a sip. I arrived at the Etihad campus then used my keycard to get in.

I found Claire straight away to give her the coffee I got her still stopping myself from taking a sip.

Pep was in his office so I went straight to mine. I sat back at my desk and repositioned the chair to comfortability with my huge bump.

I finished up some documents then went outside to assist some of the testing games as we were down
on a senior part of the team.

I gave them some mini games to warm up then let Pep do his team-talk. After that I pulled Phil into my office and gave him a kiss. "What do you need me for? You have to be quick I need to get back out there," he said whilst panting from his last workout. I laughed.

"It's ok, you know, your allowed a break, I grant you one," I said and chuckled.

"If you say so," he said and sat down. "So... baby names," I said and pulled out my huge binder and notebook on baby things.

"It's second-last on my list," he looked up at the ceiling and rubbed his neck.

"I'm not sure any you like?" He said and released a breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"I really like Ronnie after that little girl at the stadium," I said , thinking about the little teddy sitting on Ronnie's crib.

"Ronnie was my nickname growing up," Phil said and looked at me.

I wrote down the name in cursive on a clear page. "Ronnie it is," I said and stood up and saw Phil out of the room. I felt. I don't really know the word for it. Complete? I wasn't sure but I knew I loved Phil. And Phil loved me.

*this has been updated*
Hey guys! Hope you are loving this as I am rn I'm so invested in writing but I have started doing tests and I'm working so it is hard. Please can u comment on things it really helps some ideas on the stories so yeah please comment 💗💗

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