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My mum and dad packed up their stuff and got ready to leave as Phil dropped Evan off at jack's house. My dad held Ronnie one last time before they had to leave.

My mum walked out to the car as my dad turned back around to speak to me. " I'm so proud of you honey, he's perfect," he said and hugged me before meeting my mum back outside. I changed Ronnie into a cute baby grow and gave him a cuddle and kiss before putting him in the next to me crib on my bed. I put a mancity jersey on and some on shorts and started to sort through all the gifts we had been brought. I put our cards on our mantelpiece and out the TV on while waiting for Phil.

I took my post birth vitamins and a bloom drink. My stomach had gone down a little but I looked like 4 months pregnant. I sat down and made sure everywhere was tidy. It was but I was out of breath. I was so sore everywhere and felt ugly but I was told this anyway so I couldn't complain. I would do this everyday if I got a Ronnie at the end of it all.

Phil walked through the door and I smiled at him and he came to sir with me, " So proud of you baby, you made our beautiful son," he said and looked at me. I smiled and kissed his lips passionately. All of a sudden, I heard Ronnie's deafening cries and stood up to go get him but Phil stop up and pushed me delicately back down.

" I'll go baby," he said and I mouthed thank you before flopping down on the fluffy cushions and closed my eyes for a second.

"Babe, he wants feeding I think?" Phil said as he carried baby uncomfortablely.

"Phil i fed him like an hour ago," I said and indicated for him to pass me the baby.

" Nappy change ?" He said as I checked.

"No, I think little man just wants a little attention," I said and giggled. Phil sat next to me and I placed the baby in his arms so be was comfortable and he slowly drifted back off. I kissed Phil again and we all went upstairs to bed.

~the manager ~ P.FWhere stories live. Discover now