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It had been 4 days of me working again but I started maternity leave in 4 weeks so I got the most of working and now I was helping pep with the upcoming game.

I set up the starting line-up with pep and the team. Finally after an extremely long 7-hour shift, I got in my car and drove home to Phil.

I hadn't seen Phil in around 2 days because of how our work co-joined before the match so I missed him a lot.

I parked up the car and hobbled to the door, finding it unlocked. I walked in and he was sat on the large grey sofa watching an interview I did. He didn't realise I had walked in until I squealed lightly and ran up-to his arms. "Hiya babe," he said as my belly stopped me getting any closer to him. I laughed and gave him a kiss. "Missing me much?" I said nodding my head toward the tele. "No of course not??" He said turning off the tele and shrugging his shoulders.

I laughed and snuggled up-to him on the sofa and we laid there for around an hour before we went to get ready for bed. I had a quick shower but didn't wash my hair as I washed it this morning.

I rubbed on some stretch mark in-enhancing serum on my stomach then put on my maternity pjs. I refreshed my Instagram and checked on all my friends events.

I had been invited to a few events and Sasha was gonna be my plus one for them as I told Phil to focus on his training. I was sad to see him gone all of the time but his fitness was key for this season.

Phil invited Jack and Sasha round to stay so they could go to the gym tomorrow and so I wasn't alone in the morning.

Jack walked in and stepped back in shock, "Woah your getting huge!" He said and I attempted to hug him but again the bump insisted on otherwise.

I laughed and Sasha stepped through the door and apparently grew huge overnight. "Says you two look at this!" I said and put my arm around Sasha's shoulder. I took her up to my beauty room cos she wanted me to curl her hair and put it in overnight rollers for our first event tomorrow, Charlotte Tilbury. Charlotte was gonna be there herself and freebies were getting given out I was so excited.

I did her hair and put them in some pretty pink rollers then I put my hair in a bun and I was going to straighten it after work in the morning. I was working a quick 2 hours at work before the event and Sasha was just going to come in with me and sit in my office until we could start to get ourselves ready.

We went downstairs and sat with Jack and Phil to finish the documentary and me and Sasha saw ourselves in the background it was so cute because we were cheering them on.

I snuggled with Phil and eventually I fell asleep on the sofa but I think Phil carried me up-to bed eventually because I woke up with morning sickness and had time to run to the bathroom.

~the manager ~ P.FWhere stories live. Discover now