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I posted a pic of all of the PR I received from brands on my Snapchat and Instagram stories. I captioned it with huge thanks and tagged the brands that I received the packages from. I organised it into my tall set of draws then went into the nursery and put away the clothes and everything I received. I also had a lot of things from family for Christmas so I just put everything that needed putting away to one side to organise it all. After I was finished with that, I sprayed down all the surfaces with anti-bac spray then fabric softener on the chairs and rugs. I went into my room to get my laptop then continued downstairs with that. I let Enzo out of his cage since we got him back home again yesterday. He had stayed at Sasha's for quite a few days because she missed him and I said yes as I wanted to organise all of Ronnie's things. I fed him and filled up his water bowl then went to chill on the sofa to start editing.


My World 🌎

Hey babe, sorry but I'll be home later
than what I said.
It'll be about 7:30 I think.
Sorry I really do miss you it's just pep,
he wants us in our best shape.
Love you

Babe, I'm not mad I was just busy x

Ah ok I feel better now x
Anyway gtg pep wants us
He lives for us to be healthy I swear x

Babe, it's ok I'll see you tonight x

Ok see you tonight babe x


I put down my phone and laughed at Phil thinking I was angry at him when he hasn't done anything wrong. I posted the Christmas Day vlog then started to work on the pr haul. I sent it from my camera to my laptop then used this editing app Phil got me a subscription for to edit it properly. I started on that when Jude walked in with a big parcel. "Postie said this is for you," he said and shot it on the sofa. He took of his shoes and sat the opposite side of me and peered his head over my shoulder to see what I was doing. "Editing," I said and moved his head off of my shoulder. "Your boring," he said and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. "Am I really? Cos' you were supposed to leave yesterday and you stayed another day?" I said and smirked at him. He shut the kitchen door. "Rudee!!!" I shouted.

"At least open your package," he said as he sat down with a glass of pink lemonade. "Really? My pink lemonade?" I said and shook my head at him.

"It tastes nice, your literally so rude," he said and took a sip out of an extremely large straw.

"Right ye, I'm soooo sorryyyy," I said in a sarcastic tone and he shook his head at me.

Me and Jude had been best friends since we could walk almost. I grew up in Birmingham with his family and my aunt and uncle. Jacks parents. We were his neighbour and we used to play all the time. We never once dated but when he started football, we lost contact, until I started managing Englands socials and we became close again.

Sorry it's short but after a few more chapters will be Ronnie's arrival !!! ♥️

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