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                             Sasha 💕

me, jack and talia are leaving in a minute

ok babe see you soon

bye babe x
read 11:32am

I changed Ronnie into his little Man City top for Phil then came downstairs and finished setting the table up.

I heard an engine outside and peeked out the window and saw Phil climbing out the car.

Me and Ronnie went to the door and I opened it and smiled cheesily as he came closer.

"Oh he looks mint!" He said and laughed.

"I know, here," I said handing him over as I pulled Phil's neck down to kiss me.

"What was that for?" He said.

"Do I need a reason," I said trailing a finger down his hair and walking away.

"Bold move that babe," he said grinning.

"I knowww!" I said shocked with myself.

"Jack and Sasha will be here soon," I changed the subject as Phil seated Ronnie in his little play mat.

"Okay," he said walking over to me.

He slipped his hands around my waist and I made mine travel up his back.

He kissed me delicately just the right amount to make me go crazy.

"Phil our son is right there and my cousin is about to walk in the door," I said and chuckled looking down.

"Ohh fineeee," he said mocking me.

"Here they are!" I said excitedly and ran to the door to greet Sasha and Talia.

Jack unloaded the car. He had like 3 bags of things for Talia.

"You planning to stay overnight?" Phil said creeping up behind me with Ronnie cuddled up on his chest.

"No but Sash said we need all this incase she starts," Jack said struggling to carry them all.

"Oh okay then," I said and smiled as Sasha put Talia in her car seat on the floor and hugged my tightly.

"I've missed you!" She said.

"I have some news for you," I said pushing her off me and smiling.

"Natalie Grealish! If u tell me your pregnant I'm gonna deck you," she said and smiled.

"No I'm not pregnant but please don't deck any other pregnant women," I said and smiled.

I leaned over to the table behind her and grabbed the ring.

"Phil!" I shouted and he came over. I handed him the ring and nudged my head toward Sasha.

He put the ring on my finger and Sasha squealed so loudly she made her daughter cry.

"OMG!!" She said and started hugging us both so tightly.

"I know! I'm going to be a Foden!" I said and Jack came over and lifted me in the air into a hug.

"My baby cousin is all grown up," he said and pulled a pet-lip.

"I think I grew up when I saw the two lines on that pregnancy test," I giggled.

"Yea I think we both did," Sasha agreed hugging me tightly.

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