Chapter VIII

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[ One year after Logan's death]
I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Everything has been so dull lately after Logan's death. After I found out about it, it's been so hard to get over it. Nothing feels the same anymore.

"Aiden! Don't be on the TV for so long! My show comes on in a few minutes." Mom yelled to me.

"I won't!" I yelled back to her. Of course I will be. There's nothing else to do. Other than talk to Oliver but he's stuck in his room, again.

The news was just talking about weather, joining the army, and just some other boring stuff.
The TV switched to the emergency announcement. I can't change it until it goes off.

It's nice being out of the hospital. But it's different without Logan. That stupid fungus whatchamacallit disease really got to me.

Then, the TV started to say something about the disease.

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Smile drug. We advise you to stay away from any suspicious person. The past year, we have received over 100 deaths related to the drug. The drug has not been scientifically investigated yet. The most common effects are: Mania, Uncontrollable Laughter, Violence, and the latched smile the drug was named after. How do you ensure your safety outside? Avoid dark alleyways, if you hear suspicious laughter run as fast as you can away from it, avoid eye contact with the infected, DO NOT INTERACT.

The TV suddenly turned into static and turned off.

"Drug" Yeah right. Like I did drugs.

How would you tell the difference between someone who is actually smiling and laughing versus someone who wants to kill someone while smiling?

And, how did they even get a drug that matched the disease? At this point, they don't even know what they're doing.

Also, apparently they have a medicine for it. How dumb is that. It probably doesn't even work. How did I recover from the disease if I didn't take medicine?

Dr. Jones really is a good doctor, despite the fact I was in the hospital for half a year.

"Mom! The TV was cut off again!" I yelled at her. She whispered cusses under her breath.

"It's fine! I'll just watch it tomorrow!" She yelled back from the laundry room.

Oliver walked out of his room. "Can you guys keep it down! I'm trying to do something here!" He screams, aka mocking us. He went into the kitchen and grabbed water from the fridge.

"Oliver!" I said to grab his attention. I can't help that i'm bored.

"What." He turned to look at me.

"I know things have been pretty rough, but can we just get along?" I looked him in the eyes.


"Look, we only have each other right now. We were getting along just fine until now"


"Or you could just... ignore me. That works perfectly." I turned back around.

"Yeah, getting along a YEAR ago." He finally said, walking back to his room.

I don't know what his problem is.

Mom walked in and sat down beside me.

"What's his problem?" I said with no expression on my face.

"He's still trying to get over Logans... Death." She hesitated.

"Yeah, I know. But that doesn't give him a right to be all rude to me."

"Just give him time, Aiden." She put a hand on my shoulder.

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