Chapter XIV (Part: II)

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WARNING: This part contains sleep paralysis!

Be safe!!

I cannot move in my bed.

I try to move my legs. They are stiff and frozen.

I try to move my arms. They won't budge. Not even a little.

I catch something from the corner of my eye. I shift my eyes to the corner of my room. Nothing's there.

I suddenly feel sick. I can feel my insides rotting. They are shifting around like they have a mind of their own.

I go to clench onto my stomach but I cannot move. I can feel something eating its way out of me. It hurts.

My stomach bursts open as bugs crawl their way out.  They are crawling their way out of my intestines and throat. I try to swallow them back into my empty body, coughing and choking the entire time.

I inhale deeply and violently as they all disappear.

Then, I start to hear violent whispers coming from everywhere.

" Close your eyes as the screams start." They all scream and cry.

I listen.

Horrible imagery fills my mind. Corpses and unimaginable things. The horrible symphony of screams play.

I close my eyes tight.

"Through any polished surface be it in mirror, wood, or window- your reflection will always be watching." One final voice whispers.

I quickly set up, breathing quickly. I look over to the alarm clock. It's only 5:47AM. I wipe the beads of sweat rolling down my face. I finally catch my breath after a while.

A glass of water will do nicely.

I got up from my bed and unlocked my door to walk to the kitchen.

I grabbed a glass and a bottle of water. I filled it almost to the brim and took a sip.

"Bad dream?" Evelyn's voice appeared from nowhere.

I jumped a little and looked to my side. Evelyn was laying on the couch as Oliver was in his room, asleep.

"Yeah. What about you?" I sat the glass of water next to me.

"Just couldn't sleep." She stood up and walked towards me. "Hey. I think we should have a serious chat, now that Oliver's asleep and you're awake." She stood next to me, leaning against the counter.


"Harald, I think you should treat Oliver better."

"What? I treat him just fine. He would've died if it wasn't for me."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what? Be more specific."

"He says that you rarely talk to him. He feels like you don't care."

"Evelyn. You know I'm horrible at caring about things."

"Well, do better."

"You act like I don't care about anything! I'm not selfish, Evelyn." I loudly whispered, trying not to wake Oliver.

"That's because you are selfish! Ever since your girlfriend died, you've been nothing but selfish. You never think about everyone else around you!"

"I do think about everyone else. I just act like I don't so I won't get too attached."

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