Chapter XVII

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"Hey Harald?" Oliver tries to get his attention but Harald is just too focused on cleaning the new tools he got the other day.

Oliver called his name again but there was no response. He became irritated and so he just decided to go to him.

"Harald!" Oliver yelled. Harald lightly jumped and continued to scrub his equipment.

"Yes, Oliver?" Harald sighed deeply, giving Oliver a side eye.

"I have a question but it's kind of personal." Oliver leaned onto the door frame.

"Alright, Ask." He responded. He pulled his hand out of the water and set the utensil onto a rag.

"What are you going to do if the mean people find you?" Oliver looked down, not expecting an answer at all. He wouldn't know what to do if he were in Haralds shoes.

"Well, If I didn't find you and if I still lived alone, I would've probably killed myself." He closed his eyes, knowing that Oliver would freak out.

"What? Why?!" Oliver frantically asked.

"Well, either way I would've died. So there's your answer."

"Wouldn't you at least try to run?"

"Mm, no. There simply wouldn't be a point to run. They would just catch up and kill me."

"Well then, what if they find us? Will we die?" Oliver worriedly looked down.

"No. I already have a plan. Don't worry." Harald comforted Oliver.

"And what's the plan?"

"I can't say."

"Fine, fine."

A couple seconds of silence passed until Oliver's stomach started to growl.

"Do we have any food?" Oliver slowly put his hand on his stomach.
Harald sighed and checked the cabinets. "No. We'll go out tomorrow."

"But I wanna go now. I'm starving."

"No, Oliver."

"Fine. I'll go myself." Oliver turned to walk away but Harald stopped him.

"Fine. Go yourself. But here." Harald reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pink phone. It seems to work well. "Take this. Call me whenever you're in trouble. Got it?" Harald gave him a serious look.

"Does it have to be pink?"

"Just take it. That's all I have to give you."

"Why don't you give me one of your cool weapons?"

"Because I don't trust you with them. I also don't trust you to go out by yourself. But I am trusting you now. Don't do anything stupid."

Oliver looked down in confusion. He sighed and just took the phone.

"Why not just come with me?"

"Because I have work to do. Now go and be quick."

Oliver nodded. He could understand that he has "work" to do. But is it really all that important?

Oliver made his way through abandoned houses, stores, and flower shops. He knew that he didn't need to go to the flower shops. He just wanted to remember how colorful they were. Everything was now dull and depressing. And there was no way he could change it. He sometimes felt a small guilt for what he's done. But at the same time, he felt no remorse for it. There's a chance that he didn't do it. Maybe he was just insane at the time he ran away. That was something he deeply regretted. But there was no way he could redo it now.

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