(Just ignore the fact that everyone is artists, that's not the case in this story)

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(Just ignore the fact that everyone is artists, that's not the case in this story)

I woke up just to experience another hellish day at what we call "school."

I fucking hate the place I go to anyways. Everyone is so mean for no reason.

Plus I have to deal with so much extra things.

I stopped procrastinating and made my way into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

I took my shower, scrubbed everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

I got out brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, did my makeup, yada yada yada.

I'm surprised my parents didn't come bother me this morning...

Yet again, they're probably taking my two brothers, Isaiah and Gabe to school.

All three of us go to the same school, which is Piper High School. The lamest school in Florida. It's just filled with a bunch of assholes, gangsters, and whores.

Anyways, time to drive myself to school. Oh wait, I don't even have a license yet. That's right, cause my parents don't trust me with one.

So, I'm walking today.

At least it's not a far walk...


I walked into the building and immediately spotted Gabe and Isiah.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards them.

"Heyy Amari." Isiah greeted.

I pushed my hand in his face. "Shut up Isaiah. Why does mom always take you and Gabe to school and not me?" I groaned in frustration.

"Cause we're just the favorites." Gabe's dumbass cheesed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Mom just thinks your a hoe." Isaiah stated.

"Well I don't hoe around, so she can literally kiss my ass."

Isaiah widened his eyes. "Oh, so it's like that?"

"It's exactly like that."

"Ladies, get to class." Our principal, Mrs. Amanda told us.

"Ladies?" Isaiah questioned. "M'am, I'm a male."

"Me too!" Gabe waved.

"I don't care, get to class now!"

I laughed at the fact that she called my brothers females.

"Watchu you laughing at?" Isiah furrowed his brows at me.

"Lady." I smiled.

Isaiah groaned, slightly pushed me.

"Stop playing around, go!" Mrs. Amanda shouted at us.

I just kind of gave her a stank face and started walking to my class. Isaiah and Gabe followed behind me.

I walked in and immediately walked to my seat. I don't even have any friends in this school, nor do I want any.

My brothers walked in and dapped this short, muscular, light-skinned guy, with a hightop fade and face tatts up.

I already know who this kid is, he's some gangbanger, and of course my brothers are getting involved with them.

"Hey, is that your sister over there, Gabe?" I heard the kid say.

"Yeah." Gabe replied.

"And mine." Isaiah said.

I rolled my eyes.

"She's fine, yo." He chuckled.

"Stop it X, that's my sister..." Isiah said.

"Ion care." He shrugged.

X? Who does this kid think he is?

"Aight well, y'all tryna slide after school today and do the thing?" X asked my brothers.

"Oh hell yeah." Gabe said.

The thing? Oh lord please don't tell me they're doing drugs...

The story gets better, just trust me.

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