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We laughed, getting inside the car and buckling up

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We laughed, getting inside the car and buckling up.

"We did NOT have to rush out like that!" I laughed.

Jahseh sped off. "Bih, I was following you! Tahaha."

He smiled, his laugh is so cute.

Fuck, I can't be thinking that! I can't like him.

At least I'm being truthful.

"Watchu thinkin' about?" Jahseh asked me, causing me to regain my attention to reality.

"Nothing, nothing." I laughed, shaking my head.

He chuckled.

His smile is cute as well.

Stop. Stop Amari.

The rest of the ride stayed quiet as we drove back to school.

We walked inside the building and immediately were greeted by the assistant principal, Mrs. Marshall.

She's always so mean and nonchalant for no reason at all, it's like she hates kids. You shouldn't even be working here girl.

She just has a weird aura to her.

"Mr Onfroy, Ms Rivera, you two are late." She said, looking between us two.

"Sorry ma'am, we just got back from lunch." Jahseh said.

"Next time it will be a write-up. Now get back to class."

We listened and headed to our next class.

Mrs Marshall stood there and watched us walk to our class.

Me and Jahseh parted ways since we didn't have the same 3rd block class.

He smirked at me. "See you later."

I smiled back. "See ya."

I've never seen this man like this, or in a good mood at all.

I've never seen this man like this, or in a good mood at all

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Today I'm not myself. For once X doesn't want to take total control over me.

Today I'm Jahseh, and I'm happy about that. X is always so mad and violent.

I feel like I'm catching feelings for Amari... Well, me, Jahseh at least. X told me and him he'd never fall in love again after Geneva. He still loves Geneva, but I don't.

I fucking hate her for what she did. She broke my heart into a million pieces and threw me into a jail cell, after everything I did for her.

But there's no way I can date Amari, bruh. She's the sister of my two vrothers, and I don't know how'd they feel about that. Plus, I already know that girl doesn't like me.

Probably because of the way X acts. We've never gotten along.

I've known her ever since Wifi and Scheme joined M.O. Which was 3 years ago.

We never really talked to each other at all, and if there was any interaction, it was all negative.

There's no way I can get to her.

I can tell she's kind of confused by me today, but that's just cause she's never seen this side of me. She's never seen Jahseh come out, only X.

Especially after I tried to stab her last night, she's never gonna like me.

Might as well make the best of things while I have control over X at the moment.

Might as well make the best of things while I have control over X at the moment

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"X took you out to eat!? That's fucking weird." Dina exclaimed.

"I know right? He's acting different today..." I said.

"Is he being extra nice for no reason?" Dina questioned.

"YES! I've never seen him like this!" I exclaimed.

"X is probably tamed right now, his split personality."

"What do you mean?"

"Jahseh is the regular him, the one that's probably showing today, and X is the one we all have to experience all the time."

"Oh... I'm just so confused, cause before we went out to eat, I was talking to my ex because he came up to me, then X appeared out of nowhere and scared my ex with those dark eyes and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, taking me to his car..."

"Are you saying that you think he likes you?" Dina looked surprised.

"Sure does seem like it...But I don't know..."

"That's so unlike him. He hasn't had a girlfriend since his last one threw him in jail, and he says he'll never have one again."

"I thought he hated me...He's so bipolar."

"I know he is."

"I can never date him, especially with my brothers around and aware of it. That could never happen!"

"I can understand that, totally. He'll probably be back to his asshole self tomorrow."

"Oh lord." I rolled my eyes.

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