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Knock! Knock! Knock!

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

Amari got up from the couch and headed to the door.

"Wait Amari." I said, stopping her.

She stopped, turned around, and looked at me, waiting for me to say what I was going to say.

"Lemme check who's out there." I said, hopping off the couch and walking to the window.

Me, X, and Gabe all looked through the blinds and saw a detective standing outside of the door.

We all looked at each other like 'Oh we fucked or some shit.'

"Hello? Broward County Detective's Office!" (Idek if that's a real thing lol) The detective standing outside the door said.

"Amari, go answer the door and let us know what he says. We finna go upstairs." I said.

"Uhm, okay..." Amari said, slowly walking to the door.

"And don't tell 'em we here!" X said, following behind me.

We all ran upstairs.

A few minutes later...

"You guys can come down now!" We heard Amari's voice say from downstairs.

"You sure!?" Gabe shouted.

I furrowed my brows and hit Gabe's shoulder. "Nigga, why would you say that?"

"Oh. Shit. My bad." Gabe said.

Me and X shook our heads and walked out of the room.

We were currently hiding in the closet.

"Yes, dumbass!" Amari said in response to Gabe.

We still stayed cautious and cautiously crept to the stairwell railing.

"No cops, we straight." X said, standing up straight.

Me and Gabe followed after him, standing up straight as well.

We walked down the stairs and noticed Amari crying.

"Woah, what happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, what that nigga say?" X asked, pulling out his pocket knife and flicking it open.

"Mom and Dad are dead." She sniffed.

Short asfff but ill update fast (tomorrow)

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