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The front door swung open, revealing a happy X holding a dead chicken

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The front door swung open, revealing a happy X holding a dead chicken.

I swear I've never seen that man smile in my life.


Oh my god...

"OH MY GOD IS THAT BRUNO!?" I shouted.

"Who?" X asked, raising an eyebrow.


"BRUNO, NOOO!" Gabe dramatically fell to the floor, fake crying into his hands.

Isaiah chuckled.

"Well.. He's dinner now." X dropped it on the ground.

It made a wet sound when it hit the floor.

"Ew.." Ski gave a stank face.

"Sorry, not sorry, I had to get my anger out on something and that chicken just so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." X said.

"Our excuse is that he ran away." I said, zoned out on the chicken's lifeless face.

It was so sad to see his eyes closed and his mouth open.

"Right..." Isaiah said.

"Ok." Gabe said.

"Well y'all better clean that thing before we eat it." Dina said, awkwardly looking away.

"It was a joke, we're not eating it." X picked up the chicken, opened the front door, and flung it underhanded outside.

"Yeah, I wasn't gonna touch that thing, anyways..." Coolie said.

"Damn man, I was hungry..." Ski said, disappointingly looking down.

The people in the house are Amari, X, Ski, Wifi, Scheme, Coolie, Dina, Tank, Craig, Bass, and Bhris.

"Of course you are, fatass." Another boy with tall, curly hair in a tie said.

"Shut up, Bhris." Ski mean-mugged him.

"Don't tell me all of y'all are sleeping here..." I face palmed myself.

"Nope. Just me." X said.

I rolled my eyes.

Of course. - I thought.


Eventually everyone left, and of course X stayed and fell asleep right on the couch.

Isaiah and Gabe were already asleep. I was the only one awake.

But I should probably go to sleep now since we got school tomorrow.

I'm already annoyed thinking about it.

6:00 AM

My alarm on my phone boomed through my eardrums.

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