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"Alright, I'm coming

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"Alright, I'm coming." I hung up and threw my trash away.

Amari hurt herself and now she needs to go home, but her parents can't come, since they're out on vacation.

And I'm in the same school right now, so I have to get someone else to pick her up for me.

I know who to call tho.

My guardian, Tank. Ever since my mom abandoned me and my dad was in jail, I've been staying with Tank. He basically took me in.

He's 30, and has been out of school, so I can just get my boy Trunks to alter Amari's documents and add Tank as a person who can pick up/a contact.

I went to the bathroom and texted him. I didn't call because you never know when someone is listening. And I don't mean the government, we have "trap" phones so we don't gotta worry about that, I mean people that come in and out of the bathroom.

Trunks 🍙

yo trunks I need you to do sumn for me
Sent at 12:39pm

Trunks 🍙: What is it?
Sent at 12:39pm

I need you to alter the school files of Amari Rivera and add Tank as a contact so he can pick her up from school
Sent at 12:40pm

Trunks 🍙: Ain't that Wifi and Scheme's sister?
Sent at 12:40pm

yeah, just do this for me.
Sent at 12:40pm

Trunks 🍙: On it rn boss
Sent at 12:40pm

I shut my phone off, sliding it into my pocket, and walked out of the stall.

I was currently sitting in class right now, waiting to be called after Dina and Stephanie brought me here

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I was currently sitting in class right now, waiting to be called after Dina and Stephanie brought me here.

The intercom beeper came on.

"Hey, will you please have Amari Rivera come to check out?" The attendance lady, Mrs Harper called.

"Yes ma'am!" My teacher said.

"Thank you." Mrs Harper hung up the intercom.

I grabbed my bookbag and limped out of the classroom.

Everyone just kind of stared at me, which I ignored.

Once I got to the front office, I became confused, seeing a tall, bald, black man with face and head tattoos standing there, looking at me, waiting for me.

"Have a great day." The front desk lady, Mrs Elizabeth smiled.

I silently limped out the door with this man, keeping my distance since I didn't know him.

Once we got out the door, he started talking to me.

"Amari, right?" He asked.


"Tank. Don't worry, I may look scary, but trust me, I'm not. I'm only scary when you test me or get me heated."

I only nodded.

"X sent me to come get you."

"Figured. How did you even get permission to get me?"

"Let's just say we got people."


"I got the address already, so just relax."

I nodded.

I don't understand why X is acting like he knows me...

And I don't even like calling him X, I know his real nam, but he's just weird about that for some reason...

The car ride to my house was quiet. I could tell Tank wanted to talk to me, and he seemed pretty genuine, but I still wasn't sure...

I walked inside, locking the door behind me, and walked upstairs to my room.

I sat on the bed and pulled that phone number that Dina gave me out of my pocket, unfolded it and looked at it.

I decided to add it as a contact and text her.

(954) 256-7237 (idk if thats a real number 💀 probably is. I am not responsible for the calls you make!! 😭)


Hey, is this Dina?
Sent at 12:59pm

Dina: Yuh who dis is?
Sent at 12:59pm

Sent at 12:59pm

Dina: Oh hey girl!!!
Sent at 12:59pm
Dina: Did you make it home safe?
Sent at 1:00pm

Yeah, who was that guy that picked me up?
Sent at 1:00pm

Dina: Tank?
Sent at 1:00pm

Sent at 1:00pm

Dina: He works for X.
Sent at 1:00pm

This business X has sure does seem serious
Sent at 1:01pm

Dina: Did your brothers ever talk about it?
Sent at 1:01pm

Not a whole lot, they just told me they were in a gang, that's it, nothing more
Sent at 1:01pm

Dina: It's true, but I'm not supposed to share anything...
Sent at 1:01pm

That's fine. I could care less about it honestly
Sent at 1:02pm

Dina: 😂
Sent at 1:02pm
Dina: I'ma talk to u later girl i gtg
Sent at 1:02pm
Dina: ms chicken nuggets gettin on my ass 🙄
Sent at 1:02pm

😂 okay girl byee
Sent at 1:02pm

Ms Chicken Nuggets isn't actually her name, it's Ms Chicknug. Still a terrible name.

But I guess I'ma sit here and do nothing until school gets out.

Might just take a nap.

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