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Sora 😶‍🌫️

Sora 😶‍🌫️: what about my question girl?
Sent at 3:33pm

what question? I'm at bus loading right now
Sent at 3:33pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: you seriously don't remember??? 😔
Sent at 3:33pm

I remember
Sent at 3:33pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: soooo....
Sent at 3:33pm

I don't know right now sora...
Sent at 3:34pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: do you at least forgive me? can we be friends at least? we dont gotta work back up to bf and gf
Sent at 3:34pm

yes, and yes. no bf and gf
Sent at 3:34pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: alright what are you doing this weekend?
Sent at 3:34pm

nothing, as usual
Sent at 3:35pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: ah well me and a couple of friends are going out to a club this weekend, you wanna come with?
Sent at 3:35pm

the rizz crib people?
Sent at 3:36pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: Yeah
Sent at 3:36pm

you know im not the party type sora...
Sent at 3:36pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: come onnn it'll be fun
Sent at 3:37pm

alright fine ill come
Sent at 3:37pm

Sora 😶‍🌫️: Alright cool we'll see you tmr at 8pm
Sent at 3:37pm

see ya
Sent at 3:37pm

I don't ride the bus, I'm just waiting here because Jahseh told me, Isaiah, and Gabe to meet up here. We're still taking Jahseh's car, of course.

Shortly after, I saw Jahseh walk up to me with Isaiah and Gabe.

Jahseh looked mad again.

Oh great...

X is back.

"Let's go." He said in a grumpy, commanding tone.

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