(Doing pov as texts since i don't have my main phone rn and excuse any spelling mistakes because this phone is so small omg 😭)

"So what's the storage unit number?" I asked Jahseh.

We're currently back at Tank's house, and of course Jahseh's here too.

"95478...Why?" He asked.

"What do you mean why?" I chuckled. "So I can get to the stuff if I need to."

"Oh," Jahseh chuckled, "I thought you were tryna go now."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What makes you think that?"

"Cause Tank has the code too, and he'd probably be the one taking you if you needed to go, so you could've just asked him when y'all got there."

"Well..That makes sense too."

"You want somethin' for dinner? I'm kind of hungry."

"Can't you cook?"

"I'm shit at cooking. Can you?"

i sighed. "I know how to make toast..."

"Exactly, we're going go mc Donalds."

"Ewuhh, I hate that shit."

"Either you eat or you don't eat."

I am kind of hungry...

"Okay, fine, I'll eat Mc Donalds." I said.

"Fye, we'll go after I find out if Wifi, Scheme, and Tank wanna go." Jahseh said.

"Alright." I shrugged, not caring if they ate or not, not even caring if we all ate at all.

A few moments later...

"Aight, they're going, and they'll meet us in the car, c'mon." Jahseh said, walking past me with his keys jingling in his hands.

"ok." I said, following behind him.

We walked out the front door.

"Wait, how will we all fit in your tight ass car?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

Jahseh laughed. "That's why we're taking Tank's car, shorty."

That sent shivers down my spine, ugh.

"Oh. I thought those were your keys..." I said.

I glanced down at the keys in his hand then back up at me.

"Ah, yeah, nahh. These Tank's." He said before unlocking the car and getting in.

I opened the passenger's door and got in,

"Woahh there, watchu doin?" Jahseh asked as he stared at me.

"Getting in the car?"

"Nah, that's where Tank's sitting, move to the back."

i rolled my eyes and starting climbing over the center console.

"Damn, the fuck?" Jahseh chuckled as my shoe hit his face.

i slid the rest pf my body into the backseat. "Sorry."

"I lowkey thought you was finna break something." He chuckled.

"Well, be glad I didn't."

"Yeah, cause it wouldn't be me doing the killing for once."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, here they come." I said, referring to Isaiah, Gabe, and Tank.

Isaiah and gabe walked out the door before Tank, while he locked it.

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