Later on, night

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Later on, night...

I was in my room until I heard the front door bust open, it startled me so I walked to the railing to see who it was.

Isaiah and Gabe stumbled through the door.

I squinted my eyes and saw that X kid walk through the door behind them. He was holding them.

"Where the hell have you guys been!?" I shouted at Isaiah and Gabe, trying to ignore X after what he said earlier today.

"Chillax, they were with me." X told me.

Well there goes trying to ignore him...

"Chillax? It's 10 fucking pm!" I shouted at the kid.

"Ay, watch yo fucking mouth."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

X chuckled. "You must not know me."

"Hell no I don't. All I know is your some gangbanger named X."

"Ain't a gangbanger shawty."

X sat my two brothers on the couch.

"What's your name bro? Cause I ain't calling you X."

"Oh you gon' call me X."

"Bruh, what's your name?"

"Jahseh. But to you ma'am, it's X."

"I don't give a flying fuck if you were peter pan bruh, I'm not calling you X."

"You gon have to chill out with the disrespect."

"Mmtch, fuck off. Why do my brothers look like they're rolling in and out of consciousness?"

"They're not, they're just high." X shrugged.

"What the hell!"

Bro I knew they were gonna be smoking...

"They'll be fine by the morning."

"Dawg, they're gonna go to school like that!"

"No. They won't. It'll wear off by 5 am. Is your parents home?"

"No, they just left for vacation earlier today."

"Well I'm staying here tonight."

"Uhm, no you're not." I said, running down the stairs as he made his way to OUR bathroom.

"Yes, I am." He said, washing his hands in the sink.

"You've gotta be outta your damn mind! My parents aren't gonna let you stay here."

"Tuh, they ain't gonna know."

"They'll find out."

"Bruh, you actin like I'm an animal that's gonna destroy the house, no, it's one night and all I'm doing is sleeping here." He threw Isiah and Gabe on the couch.

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