CH 5 || His Sole Desideratum

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Beige hues of the walls mixed with the orange-yellow rays of the bright sun were all sprawled across the room. It served as a wake-up signal, but I didn't feel the urge to get out of bed. I wanted to simply close my eyes and sleep indefinitely until all of my emotions vanished. But every time I closed my eyes, I would keep having those flashes appear: ones where I was getting ready in the red bridal dress and was smiling and laughing; flashes where he was standing there waiting for me to approach; and then flashes where there was blood and he was lying on his back at my feet.

With a jolt, I sat up straight and tried to breathe properly.

I knew I would constantly be plagued by the guilt of having taken someone's life. I reluctantly got out of bed and drew the blinds because I had accepted that light was no longer a part of my life and did not even need them from the outside.

I showered, changed my clothes and was back on the bed. It was already midday, but I did not feel the need to do anything. The desire to eat had already evanesced. I still had a few days until I could begin working. I hadn't quit my job in India, and I was prepared to work that odd shift. It would be actually better for me to work in that shift, that too, as soon as possible.

So, I decided to rejoin starting the next day.

I had nothing to do, and doing nothing would only empower my thoughts. I couldn't afford to do it. Thus, I decided to take a tour of the penthouse.

After leaving my room, I immediately headed to the kitchen. I thought back to my conversation with Arvik the day before. We were going to talk, as he had assured me, but he didn't return until I was awake. I waited and waited before falling asleep. He would have knocked and came to me if he actually wanted to talk, but he didn't. I had now become aware of his intentions. Tormenting me for being his wife was his true motive. He undoubtedly intended to punish me for a sin that I didn't commit. I suppose he also believed I was his brother's killer, which is why he was acting in such a suspicious manner. That was more logical. He was avenging me for killing Kunal.

I did not think it was immoral on his part to detest me and harass me now that I guessed the genuine reason behind his behaviour. How could he be wrong when I was holding myself responsible for Kunal's murder? He was seeking revenge for the death of his cousin.

I retrieved a bottle from the refrigerator, added chilled water to a glass, and sipped it slowly. After I put away the glass, my eyes landed on the open door to Arvik's room. His room was closer to the kitchen. I had the sudden urge to peek inside, so I walked towards it. I took a look from outside and found the walls of the room blander than ever. My curiosity led me in and I discovered that not only were the colors of the room walls dull but also there was not much stuff, not even a single picture or even a painting was there.

Back at his family house, at least he had photos of himself and his family, friends on the walls of his room.

Just as I was about to leave, I caught sight of a wooden box that seemed more like a crate kept in a disordered manner on the one and only cabinet, which was closer to his bed. I didn't want to invade the privacy of anyone, but he wasn't just anybody. I set my conscience aside and opened the box since he was a narcissistic, despicable man. There were some letters and a picture inside that crate.

In that photo, a boy in a sports uniform was standing next to an elderly woman. It was Arvik, and not just some random teen. I had no trouble identifying him since I had already seen his teenage pictures in his house. That was an innocent smile he held that would make anyone's lips curl. It was a smile that seemed really pure, genuine, and filled with so much love.

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