CH 9 || Impending Effects Of A Surprising Announcement

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Rishika went to see who was at the door when Arvik's parents' doorbell rang. Even after waiting for ten minutes, she still did not return, but the other three residents could hear her voice together with a manly voice that they were only faintly familiar with.

"Rishika, who is it?" asked Asha. They hadn't yet had dinner. The senior Raichand couple were on their way, but Ryan was already seated at the dinner table. Asha assumed it would be Rishika's college acquaintance, so she was taken aback when she heard her say, "Grandpa is here."

Ravi was startled and perplexed at first, but as he saw his father approaching them with Rishika, his confusion and shock quickly turned to joy.

He was none other than Abhay Raichand, and Ravi and Asha gave him a hug.

"Did you have dinner?" Asha asked him.

"Not yet."

"Great! Let's have it together then."

Asha and Ravi served everyone, once everyone settles themselves at the dining table. Everyone remained silent. Ryan and Rishika were looking at one other with intrigue and apprehension because of Abhay's unexpected arrival. Not because of the horrible past, but because of Arvik and the recent changes in his life. They all loved Arvik and wished him nothing but happiness. The fact Abhay had unexpectedly visited meant it was obviously related to Arvik; otherwise, he would have let them know in advance.

Abhay was the only one who interrupted the quiet at the dinner table.

"I met her today."

His statement was hazy, but not entirely. Asha and Ravi started imagining all kinds of scenarios in relation to Abhay's interaction with Aavya. They appeared to be ignorant and unaware, and Asha inquired "Who" as she dug into the Alfredo pasta.

"Who else? My elder granddaughter-in-law, of course. She seemed really nice."

They all immediately put down their food. The faces of the children were marred by dread, while Asha and Ravi's expressions revealed shock. In contrast, Abhay appeared unconcerned and was eating his dinner.

As soon as Asha collected herself, she tried to ask for a favour by saying, "Dad, please don't tell..." but Abhay interrupted her, saying, "I won't do such a thing." He turned away from his dish to stare at his son- and daughter-in-law.

"But do you honestly believe that this news won't get around? Everyone will soon be aware of it."

"We won't let that happen," declared Ravi.

"At times, try to be realistic. It is hypothetical what you are bringing up. Arvik married, and under difficult circumstances, no less." Everyone looked even more surprised at Abhay. He was not only aware that Arvik was married, but he also knew the circumstances that drove him to make such a significant decision.

"Don't look at me so intently. Do you really believe I won't go into detail?" Once again, Ryan and Rishika were eating as quickly and covertly as they could. They were quite hungry, and it was not the first time the dining room table had the potential to become a chaotic area. Furthermore, they were aware that whatever Abhay Raichand's final statement would be, that would be the last call.

"If I can find it all, they can too. Besides, I don't understand why it is even a concern? They deserve to know about Arvik. He might have abandoned everyone, but they did not."

"You all need to return. I'll give you all a week. Do not claim that I did not warn you all if any unprecedented scenario takes place."

As sternly as he could, Abhay Raichand spoke. He had reached that conclusion after much deliberation, and at that point, he didn't care what anyone thought of him. And each time, he would come to the conclusion that the best way to solve any issue was for the Raichands to stick together.

"Keep Arvik out of this, please." Asha's tone was just as stern as it was when they had all left Raichand's house, along with Arvik. She was resolute and determined that no matter what happened, she would not allow anyone to drag Arvik back into a quagmire he fled years earlier.

She was obstinate, but Abhay was too.

"He must behave like a Raichand because he is one. His wife would suffer if he does not act well."

"Dad..." Although Asha could not believe what she was hearing, she could not dismiss the possibility. Ravi had given up on reason because he was aware his father's remarks made more sense and that Asha was acting more out of emotion than being practical.

"You believe that Arvik's behaviour won't affect her? She is not yet aware of the reality, and if she is, she will..."

"Arvik is innocent."

"Then he must return and prove his innocence. He must show his worth. A Raichand must prove his worth, just like everyone else."

Rishika and Ryan had finished their meals. They were really alarmed by the conversation that ensued because Abhay's decision would be challenging not just for Arvik but also for Aavya, who was oblivious to everything.

Abhay was back at eating and even applauded the dish, "The pasta is great!" He was beaming and pretended not to have just made an announcement with the potential to trigger a disaster.

Once more, Ryan and Rishika exchanged glances before mouthing, "Let's pack," because they knew they were going back.

After the meal, Abhay departed. In fact, after supper, the younger Raichands started packing their belongings while Asha was in her room, perched on the bergere chair, gazing out the window. Her view was obscured as the pale green curtains swooped in. Her heated soul could not be calmed by the cooling breeze.

When Ravi entered the bedroom, he found his wife agitated and under stress. He saw her peering out as she traced the bangle that Arvik had given her for her last birthday. He was aware she was forcing herself to do everything in her power to protect her miracle son, Arvik.


On the other bergere chair from the pair, Ravi sat across from his wife. When she turned to face him, he saw the same flames of rage in her eyes that he had seen years earlier when she had clutched Arvik closer to her chest.

"My son's life is not something they can play with." Whenever it came to Arvik, she was just as determined as she had been in the past.

"He is an adult. Everything must be handled by him on his own. You will always be his guide, Asha, but in a terrible play of life, he needs to move forward alone," Ravi said as he clasped her hands in his.

She shook her head.

"I will not let any evil touch him."

Ravi sighed.

In the past, Asha's stubbornness had been to Arvik's advantage, but this time Ravi felt she was being unduly possessive and wasn't acting rationally.

"You will have to set him free. Like I told you before, he is not a kid. Besides, he was never ours to begin with."

Asha retracted her hands after realising that even her husband was willing to oblige Abhay. She couldn't believe he was saying those words.

"He is my son, Ravi. It's right that life's game should be his own and so should be the choices, but you cannot tell me otherwise about who are Arvik's parents."

Asha's eyes blazed with pain, and tears immediately burst forth. Ravi felt guilty, but he also wanted her to see things from his perspective. He chose to hold the conversation for the following day, because he knew his wife would only be able to think from a mother's perspective at that time. Moreover, the sooner she would be persuaded, the better.

"Tomorrow, I'll visit my children. I must speak with Arvik." Before turning in for the night, Asha said. Ravi, though, was still feeling a little uneasy and was still considering the surprising announcement and its impending and unknowable effects.


I know the update was short. But I was a little occupied. I will try to get back on track soon. ☺️

Do share your views about the mystery revelation and the chapter. It would mean a lot. ❤️



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