CH 37 || Confession

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"This place is cool."

Euphoria Club boomed with loud music, but not so loud for those of us in the private lounge. Tinted glass windows surrounded our section, allowing us to see the crowd below while maintaining our privacy. From their perspective, it was likely just black glass. I appreciated the privacy and the cozy ambiance of the place. Everyone in the private section seemed content, engrossed in their own company without concern for others, which was quite satisfying.

"I know, right! This is my favorite place, aside from home," Aditi agreed with my last statement, savouring the chocolate bar she'd been nibbling on for the past half hour.

We had arrived at the club, owned by Aahir, just five to seven minutes ago, waiting for our husbands and Reyansh. Aditi had picked me up from the office, and we drove straight here. It was the perfect, relaxing getaway after work. With our bodyguards trailing and keeping everything in check, we felt safe. Arvik and Aahir had some important business to attend to, as did Reyansh, which is why they didn't accompany us. It was actually nice, not having our husbands shadowing us all the time.

"The first time I came here with Aahir, this place felt so homey. I love watching people from up here, especially now that I can't dance because of my third trimester. Technically, it wasn't the first time. I was chased down here by some goons."


I was horrified, but she remained composed. While I would still get shivers thinking about my own past encounters, about the goons chasing me and the accident in Atlanta, Aditi spoke of her similar experience as if it didn't bother her at all. Was that even possible?

"Yeah, I ran into some goons on my way and was chased down. It was terrifying. They were on bikes, and I was in my car. Just when I thought they would catch me, Aahir came to my rescue."

She talked about the goons quite casually, as if it were a daily affair. But she was a journalist, and fieldwork amidst danger had been her job until she got pregnant and decided to keep her options open for a desk job—still within her field, of course. Now she was an editor, still dealing with danger, but confined within the walls of her workplace instead of being out in the field unarmed.

"You know the weird part?" she asked excitedly.

I shook my head.

"I didn't even know for quite some time that it was Aahir who saved me."

"How is that possible?" I frowned.

"He was wearing a helmet, and I was almost losing consciousness. All I knew was his voice. I only heard him that night." Her smile was radiant as she talked about her husband. The only thing giving the chandelier competition was her smile that shone when she spoke about him.

While we were engrossed in our conversation, my phone rang. My expression turned solemn as I saw the caller ID.

"I have to take this." Aditi nodded in agreement, and I got up to head to a corner to talk to Beatrice. I couldn't hear her clearly, but I didn't want to hang up, considering it was my quest for truth and she was the only reliable source with enough information. I was just going to try my luck.

I walked out of the club, with the bouncers and guards respectfully clearing a path for me, nodding in acknowledgment out of respect because they knew who I was. Adil and the other guards stayed just a few feet away, ensuring there was no danger nearby.

"Hey, thanks for calling," I said to Beatrice as soon as I put my mobile phone to my ear, internally fidgeting with whether she would be open to my request from last night, which I made through text.

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