CH 29 || Wheels Of Torture

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Sensations built up as soon as I felt her lips tracing the tattoo on my skin, closer to my heart. The tattoo was supposed to be a gift I was about to disclose on the reception night, but the way things had turned out that night, I could not tell her about it. But I was glad I did not. I was happy I did it later. Otherwise, I would have missed the heartwarming expression when I had told her, the expression of hers that was imprinted inside my head and, most importantly, my heart.

Her gentle breath caressed my skin just above the tattoo, as though soothing an unseen ache, followed by a tender kiss. At that moment, she drove me to the brink of madness.

God! She was making me crazy.

I had never envisaged getting married and having a partner like her, but now that I have her, I feel nothing in my imagination could have done justice to the present reality. I wanted to run my hands through her hair, to touch her more and let her touch me, to have her way with me. But I could not. There were secrets within me, secrets that threatened to unravel the foundation of what we had built together. Before I could claim her entirely as mine, I knew I had to lay bare my soul, to disclose the truths that lingered in the shadows. I was hers entirely, but she needed to know things about me before she could consider herself mine completely. Even if I could not be completely honest with her at once, I was at least going to be partially honest, to bridge the gap between us.

I couldn't bear the thought of her feeling used or violated and death would be too merciful a fate for anyone who dared to exploit her trust. So, keeping all secrets from her was not fair. She deserved to know the truth, even if it meant revealing my vulnerabilities and imperfections.

As I contemplated revealing fragments of my past to her, my heart thudded inside of me. But with a gentle caress of her tongue against the tattoo, she effectively halted the torrent of thoughts flooding my mind. The first light of dawn cast a radiant glow upon her skin, illuminating her like a precious gem, while the gentle morning breeze tousled her hair delicately across her face.

I pondered whether she was fully aware of her actions, or if perhaps she remained somewhat intoxicated from the night before, given her bold demeanour in the morning. Though I was tempted to let her continue, it was too hard to control myself. I would have lost control and losing control was not part of the plan. No matter how much I wanted to be inside her at that moment, to feel her and kiss her, trace every inch of her skin with my palms and my kiss, I had other plans.

"You like it that much?" My voice interrupted her movements, my fingers entangled in her hair while the other rested against her spine, longing to feel the warmth of her skin. For sure, she was still a little intoxicated and too hungover to act that boldly when she could barely open her eyes when I pleasured her the previous night.

She looked at me with innocent eyes, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of crimson as she blinked twice in response.

My little drunk!

"No one has ever done anything like this for me," she murmured weakly. She was setting the bar too low for me. It was not even close to the bare minimum for what I had done. Has she ever encountered a real man in her life? Because I was more than willing to show what a man would do for his woman.


My hand, previously resting on her back, gently cupped her cheek as I traced my thumb along her cheekbone. She responded with a shrug, her innocence obvious in her reply. "Maybe because they didn't like me."

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