CH 10 || Planning To Go Back To Hell

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When Aavya Raichand was alone in the middle of the pitch-black, copious woods, fear was all she could feel. Not merely fear, but a really intense one. Death was not exactly what scared her, but she was frightened because of leaving too soon. She wanted to die when she used to blame herself for the atrocity Kunal went through, but after realising the fact that she was a victim and not a perpetrator, her perception changed. She had a lot of things to do, wanted to share the love she was hiding from the world in her heart, and yearned to share her goodness. Before her soul could depart her body, she wanted to attain the highest degree of serenity.

All of a sudden, she heard the sound of leaves being crushed closer to where she was hiding. Aavya became alarmed. She was holding her knees even harder with her hands as her eyes were squeezed. In no time, she could feel a breath really close and could no longer hear the footsteps or even the dead leaves or dried twigs rustling.


The term was unfamiliar, but the voice was not.

'Why does it sound so familiar and comforting?' She thought.

Aavya did not let the fear get the worst out of her. Instead, she sidelined her fears and opened her eyes. She noticed the pair of the darkest coal-black eyes staring at her as soon as her moist lashes fluttered up. Relief caused her heart to beat faster. She had the impression that the universe had heard her prayer.

"Hey," said Arvik. Like a mannequin, Aavya fixed her gaze on him.

"Come out."

Shaking her head, she doubted whether she was dreaming.

"There is no one to hurt you or even scare you. Come on, be a good girl." She did not grasp the hand that Arvik had extended to her.

"Dove, I won't let anyone hurt you, be it myself, or anyone else." Aavya once more shook her head.

"I promise."

Aavya slowly put her palm on top of Arvik's. Even though she did not know much about her husband, for some reason, she trusted his vow. She could feel the honesty in his voice.

Arvik drew her out of the tunnel by coiling his palm around hers. Aavya did not lose consciousness, but as soon as she was outside, her body gave way in Arvik's arms. She felt the calm she had been yearning to feel for days, that too, in the embrace of the man she never thought she would ever confide in.

"Good girl. That's like my good girl." While whispering to her, Arvik tenderly brushed her hair. Holding Arvik firmly, Aavya sniffed.

"Are you hurt?"

"I am in pain."

"Did they touch you?" Aavya continued to hold Arvik while shaking her head.

"My body is aching." She still struggled to tell him she was having periods. Not that she thought her husband was orthodox or anything, but she was too exhausted to even ponder what to say.

"Can you walk?"

She once more shook her head.

"Let me help you then, okay?" Arvik scooped her up in his arms. Unexpectedly, Aavya leaned closer to him and placed her hands around his neck. For Arvik, that was a blatant sign that she wasn't actually fine. Because sane Aavya would not rely on him, no matter the case.

Although Aavya was aware Arvik was not alone, she was too worn out to find out who the other man with him was. Arvik opened the back door after approaching the car. Aavya yawned and cocked her head.

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