CH 25 || Enigmatic Aspects Of Concealed Past

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Trust is always in everyone's life's toughest choices. When one places their trust in another, they lay everything they have on the line. The responsibility then falls upon the other person to bear this trust faithfully, from the depths of their soul. Aavya had taken this leap of faith, placing her trust in me. It was a strange turn of events: the woman who once despised me had now entrusted me with her faith. I was prepared to shoulder this responsibility alone, no matter how arduous it might become.

I had nearly lost my sanity when she confessed her desire for me. I understood that her craving for me didn't match the intensity of my own desires, and that love wasn't part of the equation. Still, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed and elated by the fact she wanted me, even if it was merely infatuation on her part.

Following her confession, it took every ounce of my strength to refrain from making her completely mine, from compelling her to surrender herself to me entirely, from dropping to my knees and worshipping her as I so desired, as she rightfully deserved. But she was hurt and in pain, so I couldn't bring myself to do it. Additionally, my grandfather's interference had stirred chaos, providing another reason to hold back.

However, once I allowed myself to begin, it became immensely challenging to resist losing myself in the intoxicating world that contained only us, to refrain from cherishing her body as my desires dictated. But, everything changed when she mentioned she was still a virgin. That's when I became acutely aware of my actions. It wasn't something I had considered before, but her words drew my attention to the possibility of causing her harm. I would never entertain the thought of hurting her intentionally, but I knew that my overwhelming desires might make it difficult to be as gentle as she needed. She wasn't ready for it, for me, not yet. I didn't know when she would be, but I knew it wasn't at that moment.

I had reassured her not to fret over our journey to Atlanta, despite the absence of most of my payment sources and her security personnel. Yet, I couldn't deny that I was plagued by worry, even anger. Adil was supposed to be there to safeguard my wife, to thwart any potential threats, but one move from my grandpa complicated matters. I should have told Grandpa about the attack on my wife, but doing so would have escalated our security measures, making her feel like a captive. I knew that feeling all too well, and under no circumstances would I allow it to befall her.

Thankfully, I had some cash on hand, along with an expensive watch and a car that could be used as leverage. With the assistance of a hotel staff member, I converted these assets into more cash. I hadn't actually sold them but had instead put them up for temporary rental. Aavya had expressed a desire to do the same, but I had adamantly refused. She had cash of her own, which she surreptitiously tucked into my pocket as I resisted. She even argued with me about using her gold ear hoops. She could be incredibly obstinate at times.

She didn't even flinch when I informed her we would be taking a train to our destination. She remained remarkably composed as if it were a routine occurrence, unaffected by the unconventional nature of our situation. The only thing that seemed to trouble her was the absence of her bag of clothes. She wore my oversized shirt and her jeans without a word of complaint, walking hand in hand with me. It broke my heart. I longed for her to assert herself, to nag, to voice her concerns, to subject me to all the frustration that people typically endure when faced with difficulties. However, it appeared I had chosen a longer path to make her mine and she was not very comfortable to even complain to her husband. She had yet to open more to me.

Originally, I had planned to buy her dresses she would adore once we arrived in Atlanta, but I couldn't do so halfway through our journey. My primary concern was her safety, and I needed to remain vigilant. All I wanted was to reach our destination safely before taking any steps.

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