Best of three

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Aragon ended our stare off, with his words: "First point to Visha."

I threw Legolas sword back to him, picking mine up from the ground. "Do you wish to encounter my magic, princeling?" I asked a cocky smile on my lips." Legolas let out a low huff. "That I wish."

Bowing my head, I stepped a few meters back handing my sword to Haldir. "I will fight you without a weapon first, as it will be a big adjustment for you."

"Thank you, my lady." Legolas bowed shortly.

With a flick of my hand, I pushed him back a few steps. "What did I say about orations?"

"I think a thousand years of constant use, do nod fade that likely." Legolas smiled at me, leaping forward out of nowhere.

Jumping to the side and rolling over my shoulder I missed his blade by mere centimeters. He was quick to face me again. I started to make little fireballs in my hands throwing them at him in various angles and speeds. It seemed easy for him to dodge or block my attacks, leaving burned impacts on the wooden sword. I decided to make it harder, by not sending masses of fire to him, but by controlling the balls with the air around them.

Now Legolas didn't seem that at ease anymore, showing several gaps in his defense. I took advantage of that, sending him flying through the air. On his impact with the ground, I managed to knock his sword out of his grasp. Pushing it aside I started a hand-to-hand combat fight with him. He was much stronger than I thought, clearly not holding back on me. I had a hard time dodging his punches.

Again, I tried a thing Geralt taught me to use against a stronger enemy. Letting Legolas swing with maximum force at my head. I leaned back kicking him in the chest and using the air to push him away from me. Then I pinned him to the ground building a high pressure around his body, till he couldn't move anymore.

Aragon came to end the fight again: "Second point to Visha. She won, mellon. Looks like you found your Master." I let go of Legolas holding my hand out for him to help him get up again. He took it grinning at me. "Is it possible for you and me to keep that training up, whilst I am staying? I wish to learn more about how to handle your style of fight."

"Sure, why not. I have much free time to fill. And there aren't as many eager opponents as I wish there were." Letting go of his hand I accepted his request. I turned to look at Haldir, who was giving me a look of pure adoration. Merry and Pipping jumped in from the sides of the ring: "Is there anyone, who is able to win a fight against you?"

I laughed at their innocent take of the world. "Haldir is pretty good at keeping up with me. I don't know the exact numbers, but I think it was pretty even on wins. Even though he is much better at shooting a bow than I am."

Frodo and Sam stepped up to their friends now rounding me like an interesting piece of art. "But you could make an arrow fly directly to a target. You control the element. How is he better?" Sam asked a curious look on his face. I walked over to the benches taking a goblet of water Haldir was holding out for me.

"Look. Haldir is verygood at archery. And it takes more than just hitting a target to do so. He canhit a great amount of targets in a certain range on a much faster speed than I am.Even predicting the movements of targets and enemies very precisely. I may be agood archer able to do a lot of damage, but swords and daggers are much more mycup of tea." I smiled at the hobbits. "And to be honest whenever he is takingme on a shooting range I am more likely to stare at him then train."

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