Bring her back safe

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Pov Haldir:

I was running as fast as I could, but Visha made ground every second. We finally reached the entry and ran into Lord Elrond, Lindir, Arwen and Aragon. In the distance I could see Visha reaching the border of the forest and I stopped running. She was gone.

"I suppose, your wife leaving in a hurry was not a planned thing to happen?" Elrond asked after I calmed my breath a bit.

"Indeed, it was not." I answered while I eyed Thranduil with a death glare. He didn't seem to care one bit about what just happened. "It is not my fault, that your wife seems to be on the sensible side of the world."

"She is in no means sensible!" I growled taking a few steps towards the king. "You took it to far!" Legolas stepped besides me: "She has done nothing wrong, Adar. Visha was raised in a different world, so her being quiet and passive around a king she doesn't know is probably what she was taught to do. You prying on her intimate life, just to get a reaction is simply too much!"

I could hear Arwen gasp, but she was quick to stifle it and hide behind her husband. Legolas turned towards Lindir: "Get me a horse I will follow her." Lindir started to walk when Thranduil interrupted him: "You will not! I demand you to stay here. This woman does not deserve your attention!"

"This woman, is my friend. And I will try to ease her anger towards you, so that you can apologize without getting decapitated. Lindir a horse. Now!" Legolas didn't take his eyes from his father. "You tried to pressure a wedge between me and Tauriel. I will not let you succeed with Visha." Then he turned towards me. "I am so sorry, mellon. You must stay with king Aragon. I will get her to come back."

"I hope you can, my friend." I turned toward Thranduil: "Because if she gets hurt, I swear to the Gods of Valar, king or not you will pay for this. I have always respected you as a friend and as a king, but you picking on my wife is too much. And the only thing I regret is not stepping in at breakfast."

"We will see about that." Thranduil turned around. His cloak sweeping dramatically over the floor. He passed Lindir without looking at him.

"My prince. The horse you requested." Lindir bowed his head handing Legolas the rein of a tall, white horse. Legolas thanked him and swung himself onto it.

"Bring her back safe." I asked him, not caring how much the fear laced my voice.

"Do not worry, mellon. She is a great fighter I am sure she does not need my aid." He gave his horse a slight push and rode off towards the forest, Visha vanished into minutes ago.

Pov Visha:

I was rushing Roach through the woods towards the path leading to Lorièn. My anger and the wind tugging on my face pushed tears to spring from my eyes. It was the second time Haldir let me down. The moment Legolas kissed me was the moment the soft protective bubble around my life burst. Every thing seemed to have become much more difficult. And I? I have become a coward at best. Running from every confrontation like a little child. Letting out a loud yell, I steered Roach to slow down on a small opening near tiny lake.

Jumping from his back, I sat down contemplating whether to ride back, or to ride home. The tramping of another horse made my head twitch up. Already one hands on my sword I walked towards Roach, jumping on his back. Hearing my name being called out from Legolas made me stop in my action. He came rushing through along the path, obviously trying to catch up to me. Me standing next to the path all of the sudden, caught him off guard, so he dashed past me by several horse lengths. Turning his horse, he came back jumping to the ground quickly grabbing the reigns of Roach to stop me from fleeing again.

"Please, gilgalad*. Return with me. Give my father a chance and explain, what we are." Legolas pleaded looking at me with soft eyes. I tried to rip the reigns out of his gasp, but his hold was strong and unmoving. "Let me go Legolas. I am not in the mood to explain anything to your father. He obviously does not respect the people around him one bit."

"That's not true." Legolas argued back. "I told you, he has a hard time opening up to people. Please give him a second chance. Get to know him. And after that if you still decide him to be unpleasant to be around, I will never expect you to see him ever again."

Sighting, I turned my head, looking trough the woods. "One chance, because I love you. But I swear to the king of Valar, if he steps over my boundary one more time, it's the last time he will ever speak to me again. I do not wish to be belittled by someone who is used to torment the ones around him." Legolas visibly relaxed, letting go of Roaches reigns. "Thank you, my love. And I promise, if he speaks ill of you, I will throw him out of the room." His devilish smile made me laugh a little bit. "You wouldn't dare." I teased, but secretly I hoped I would get a chance to see that happening. Legolas just shrugged. "What will he do? Banish me from his kingdom? I haven't been there the last 60 years, so what great difference would it make?"

I turned Roach around, ordering him into a relaxed walk back, Legolas followed me on his horse. Waiting for him to ride next to me I asked: "Why weren't you home the last 60 years?"

"It's a long story..." He huffed, clearly still affected by it. Taking a deep breath he started talking: "Has Haldir ever told you about the reconquest of Erebor?" I simply nodded to not interrupt his story. "I was part of the fellowship of dwarves, after they had passed our kingdom. Tauriel, a very good friend of mine was enraged by my father not helping them and decided she would follow them against his command. I couldn't let her go. I loved her. Well, compared to what I am feeling with you, its nothing, but back then I was convinced she was the one. She wasn't. She fell in love with one of the dwarves, Kili was his name I believe, but he died in battle protecting her. My father banished her, after she had gone with the dwarves and ordered me back. I as well did not follow his command forcing another wedge between us. It wasn't until he thought I was dead, that he came back to his senses, but I wasn't able to go back to my old life. I had a small glimpse of what freedom is like and being around his overwhelming presence again, just felt like not being able to breathe. So I left. His last words were that I should search for someone called Strider. A nickname Aragon had, hiding his true origin as an heir to Isildur."

"So you haven't seen your father in 60 years?" I asked, completely stunned at his revelation. He just chuckled. "60 years are nothing more than a blink of an eye in the lifetime of an elf. But yes, I haven't seen him. The coronation of Aragon was the first time we spoke. We managed to surpass the past and are trying to build a relationship again. He even asked me to come back to Mirkwood, but I am not ready yet. We compromised on exchanging letters and occasional visits. Well and then you happened..." Legolas stopped talking for a moment, letting us sulk in silence, before he spoke again. "Now I want to show you Mirkwood, show you its greatness, the halls, the trees, everything. But my father being this unrelenting towards you, kind of destroyed the appeal of bringing you home. I just hope he at least tolerates you and our decision..."

Reaching out for Legolas hand I smiled at him. "Like I said. I give him another chance and if you tell him, how important I... we are to you, than I am sure he will understand. He is your father after all." Legolas answered my smile with a low hum. "I hope he will..."

*gilgalad = starlight

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