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3rd Person POV:

7 year old Jisu sneak out of the house bcuz she was grounded for throwing a tantrum (( LOL this sounds like a children's book😂😂 )) Anygayss, she skipped happily to a nearby playground and not caring about the surroundings then she saw something that caught her eyes * not literally *

It was a beautiful cat looking girl swinging on the swing alone....
It was the most beautiful girl Jisu has ever met... She went up to the girl. " Hi, are you with someone?? " Jisu said that make the girl look at her. " No, I'm actually came here alone, my Eomma's at work , my brother's with his friends..so I'm bored and lonely all the time " the girl said. " Oh, umm do you have any friends ?? " Jisu said. " tsk, I wish but no, I don't have one " the girl said. " hmm well you have one now, I'll be your friend!!! " Jisu said with a bright smile. " Really?! " " Yea, really " then she sit on an empty swing next to the girl. " I'm Choi Jisu but call me Jisu, what's yours?? " " H-Hwang Yeji but call me Y-Yeji " she stuttered a bit. " " aww what a cute name!! " Jisu squeaked. Yeji got flustered by her compliments.
" thanks, Jisu is a pretty name " Yeji said with a smile. " hehe thank you, so tell me, how old are you?? " " 7, why?? " * gasp *" I'm also 7!!! " Jisu squeaked again.
" Wow, cool " Yeji said. Then an unknown scream just heard.. " YEJI, DINNER'S READY!!! " "OK, I WILL BE THERE!! " Yeji shout back.
" hehe, sorry that was my brother.. Anyways, can we meet here again?? " Yeji said. " Oh sure!! I better go home too, my parents must be worrying about me, byee " Jisu ran off to her home while Yeji was watching her running then run back to her own home...

A year later, Jisu would always come to Yeji's house everyday. They both were a cute friendly duos. " So........ do wanna bake a cake with me?? " Jisu asked. " oh yes!!! " Yeji eye's sparkles.. " Hehe, then come with in the kitchen " Jisu skipped to the kitchen while Yeji was following her........" Jisu do you even know how to bake?? " " Well, no.. But we have Google!! " " ohh you're a genius!! " Now it's Jisu's turn to get flutersed by Yeji's compliment. " Thank you "

" AHH WHAT HAPPENED TO MY KITCHEN!! " Ms.Hwang shout. Then the two little munchkins heads popped up. " hehe sorry Eomma, we were just baking a cake " Yeji said and shows the beautiful baked cake with Jisu. " oh wow, I'm impressed, did you two bake this??!! " Ms. Hwang said. " yup, with Google " Jisu said. " ok, I'm gonna go upstairs to shower so can the both of you clean my kitchen?? " Jisu and Yeji look at the messy icky sticky kitchen. " we will!! " they both said in sync. " Thank you, girls " Ms. Hwang ran upstairs... " we should start cleaning " Yeji handed the broom to Jisu. " yea, we should " take the broom from Yeji who is holding a mop.... " I wonder if our cake is good "Jisu said. " do you wanna try it?? " Yeji asked with a cheeky smile. " yea let's do it " " ok I'll grab the fork"

" what do you mean, you're moving away?? " Jisu said with tears on her face. " I'm sorry but my Eomma already got a job at LA " Yeji said with tears. * sniff * " will I ever see you again???" Jisu cried.
" idk but If we did.. " Yeji puts a bracelet on Jisu's wrist. " if we did meet, we'll just show our bracelets , now stop crying, you're too cute to cry " tries to Jisu then eventually she stopped crying. " promise?? " Jisu bring her pinkie to Yeji. Yeji chuckled " I promised " Intertwined her pinkie with Jisu's and gave her a big hug. " Yeji, there you are.. Eomma said we have to go now " Hyunjin said. They pull away from the hug. " Ok, oppa " Yeji said turn to Jisu . " I guess I have to go now " Yeji was about to go then...." Wait!! " Yeji turn around.. " Don't Forget Me " Jisu said with a sad smile. Yeji chuckled " sure, anything for you " then kiss Jisu's hand and waved to her goodbye...................................
Just like that, they both went different path.
(( yea, it's normal for them to kiss each other's hand ))

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