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9 years later.....

3rd Person POV:

" HWANG YEJI!!!! WAKE UP!!!! " Sound of banging pots ringing Yeji's ears. The sleepy younger groaned while covering her ears. " Ughhh Oppa, what time is it??? " Yeji said while rubbing her eyes. " It's 7:30 already!! " Yeji eyes widened.. " shit " She spring out of her bed then grab her new uniform. " Why didn't Eomma wake me up earlier??!! " " She went work already so I have to wake you up!!! " Yeji ran to the bathroom quickly. (( They flew back to Korea since Hyunjin was 16 because Yeji always get bullied in school so yea..... And she transfered to new school now!! ))

Time Skip to 7:35
Yeji dashes to the kitchen and grab a bread then shoved it into her mouth. " Yahhhh!! Don't forget your bag and your bottle!! " Yeji turn around to see her brother holding a bag and a bottle. " Oops, how can I forget " Take her stuff out of his hands. " I wonder how will survive without me or Eomma " Hyunjin said while doing a thinking face like 🤔. " yah!! Come on, let's go I'm gonna be late. " Yeji said while stomping her feet. Hyunjin chuckled by his sister's cuteness " ok ok, I'll drive you to school since we have an extra car. " He grab the car keys. " Let's go!!! " She ran out of the house with Hyunjin follow her behind.

_7:47 a. m. _
" Ok, this is it " He stopped the car then look at Yeji. " I can't believe my baby has grown up!!! " Caressing Yeji's face in a teasing way. Yeji was pissed and said " Oppa, I'm 17, soon to graduate and you still call me a baby😑" " Because you are😊, now go and make some friends " Yeji got out of the car and waved to him goodbye then ran into the school.

" Woah it's so big " Yeji mumble while looking around. Then...

A girl bumped into her which make them fell down. " Ughh Watch where you're going, bitch!! " The girl said while getting up. She was chewing gum, have like long acrylic nails and have 100 amount of make-up on... " oh umm I'm s-sorry " Yeji got up and face the girl. " I was just looking around for a bit-" " ohh so you must be a newbie, huh?? " She said with a smirk. " well, umm yea, why?? " " so you probably don't know me, ok you see, I'm-"
" JANG WONYOUNG!! " The two girls look to where the voice is. " what are doing with that poor girl?? " " oh unnie!! I was just about to introduce myself when this girl bumped into me and didn't apologize!! " Wonyoung pout. " Don't lie, I saw the whole thing and before you say anything, don't call me unnie and claim me as your girlfriend!! " The girl's eyes were darkened while Wonyoung's eyes shows fear. " but unnie- " " Go to your class, right now!!" Wonyoung ran away due to her embarrassment. The girl sigh and look at Yeji. " are you ok?? " " uh yea I'm fine " " so I'm assuming you're new here, Hi I'm Lia. " said Lia with a smile. " I'm Yeji " Yeji smile as well. " oh cute name, let me guide you to the principal office😊" Lia hold her hand and drag her to the office.

Yeji came out of the office, holding her timetable. " so what's your first subject?? " asked Lia. " Bio " " oh same!! We have class together!! " Lia squealed. Yeji look at her in aww. " Come on!! " Again, Lia drag Yeji to class.

The door open by Lia with a exhausted Yeji. The teacher look at her, " Ms. Choi, where have you been?? " " I was guiding the new student " Lia pushed Yeji in front of her. " Oh, I see, you may seat down but you have to introduce yourself, dear " They both nodded and Yeji stand in front while Lia went to her seat looking at Yeji with a happy look. " Hi, I'm Yeji, 17 years old and I hope we get along and please don't try to kill me " Yeji mumbles the last part but manage to smile. Everyone started look at Yeji in aww. " ok that's adorable, now you may seat next to Lia. " Yeji nodded and went an empty seat next to Lia. " that was fucking adorable " Lia whisper. " thank you, now let's focus on the lesson " Yeji whisper back then look at the board, so does Lia.

Time Skip ( Recess )
Yeji packed her things and was about to go.. " Wait!! " Yeji turned " How about you recess with me and my friends?? " said Lia with a smile. " hmm that will be great " Yeji smile. " Yay!! Let's walk together then " Hold Yeji's hand firmly then walked to the cafeteria.

At the cafeteria
They bought their lunch and Lia was looking for someone then someone shouted. " CHOI LIA!!!!! "
They both turned their heads then saw a girl with short hair waving her arms. " hehe that's my friend, come on let's go " Lia pulled Yeji to the table. " hey, girls " they both seated down. " unnie, who is she?? " a bunny looking girl asked. Lia look her right side and see Yeji. " oh hehe this is Yeji, same grade as me so call us unnie " " hello unnie " said everyone at the table.
" hello " Yeji waved her hand. " hey, where are all of your manners?! Introduce yourselves!! " Lia scolded. " Oops sorry " The others said in sync. " Hi I'm Ryujin, 16, the only girl who slayed short hair here " flipped her hair like everyone in hair commercials.
" yea yea you're handsome we all get it,unnie..Hi I'm Y/N, 15, the second smartest here😇 " " I'm Yuna, 15 also and this crackhead's sister. " knocking Ryujin's head lightly. " hey, you love this crackhead " " I sadly do " said Yuna while the others except Ryujin and Yuna were giggling. " I'm C-Chaeryeong, 16 also and umm " " and the most shy one here but we all love her " Ryujin said. " ohhhh " said Yeji nodding as well. " Anygays let's eat!! " said Lia then everyone chow down their food.

Time skip ( After school )/ I'm never gonna apologize for being lazy /
" Ughhh Finally, it's home time " Yeji mumbles while packing her things. After that, she went out of the class and what did she sees....

A cute fetus sized human ran up to her. " Hi " *panting * " can I " *panting * " have " * panting * " your " * panting * " number?? " *panting *. Yeji look at her confused but agreed. Lia's face brighten up and Yeji gave Lia her number. " thanks!! I gotta go, I'll text you later!! " Like that, Lia run away while Yeji look at her smiling..

* HORN!! * Yeji look around and saw her brother in the driver's seat. She ran towards the car then get in..

Lia's POV:
" I don't know why but I feel like I saw you before, Yeji " said Lia but she just shrugged and continued walking.

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