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Yeji POV:
I got into the car and was greeted by my brother who is now driving. " Hey, how was school ??? " .I look at my brother who has a smile on his face. I smile as well and said " It was bad at first " his smile became a sad face " oh really?? I'm sorry Ye- " I cut his sentence off

" but then there's this girl save me from the worst, she's so sweet and energetic hehe " I cover my mouth quickly * DID I JUST GIGGLE??!! *

I look at my brother and he has that nasty teasing smile on his face. " You like her, don't you?? " He starts to wiggle those damn brows of his. " Oppa, I love you but if you don't stop wiggle those caterpillars above your eyes, I won't hesitate to shave them off " " Yah don't change the topic, you can insult my eyebrows later, now answer the question " he said with puppy eyes.

" I mean yea,I like her as a friend " then I got a smack on the head. " Ouch " " not that kind of ' like ' my lovely sister...I meant do you have a crush on her " ok, that question made me froze

I mean do I like her romantically, hmmm I do think about her a little and admire her cuteness aww why is she so damn cute!!!! " Yah, you haven't answer " I went out of my thoughts and answered smoothly " uhh I don know , maybe " At this point, Hyunjin oppa is giggling at me. " it's ok, there's no need to rush..if you already confirmed about your feelings, you can tell me or Eomma. "

" hmm ok I'll think about it, thanks " I smiled at him. " anytime " he said.

Time skip [ At home ]
I ran upstairs to my room and flopped on my bed with my bag. * sigh * " I still have homework to do.....nah, I'll just take a shower first. " I took my sleepwear and went in the bathroom...

7 minutes later
I showered, changed my clothes and wasn't ready to do my homework but I don't wanna get by the teacher so.......I have to do it. I took out all my homework.." alright, let do this.."

" Ok, last one, you got this!! " I'm already done two subjects and now, I'm doing the last one which is very challenging. IT'S MATHSSSSSSSSSS
You see I'm not a genius when it comes to Maths so yea, but I'm doing it anyways. As soon as I was about to start, my phone make a ' TING ' sound which means I have a notification. I switched on my phone to see someone message me...hmm weird

Unknown number :
Heyyy, Yeji, it's Lia
Oh hehe, hi Lia
You know I was about to
block your number

{ Unknown number > Lia🦥 }

Hey, would you like to hang out?? Just me and you bcuz the others are busy with each other🤭

Ok, sure😁

OMG REALLY??!! Ok I'll pick you up at 5:30 p. m., sounds good???

Yea, sure... See you later

Ok, see ya!!

Yeji's POV:
* squealed * " This is the first time I've been to a hangout!!! " Yeji is jumping up and down with excitement. Then, someone barged into the room

" Yah!! WHAT'S WITH THE NOISE! " said Hyunjin who is holding the door knob.

" Well, if you must know, my friend just texted me that she'll pick me up then we hangout " said Yeji who is still jumping.

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