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Next Morning>>
Lia's POV:
I woke up by my alarm and once again, I pressed the stop button. But then, I felt something clinging to my arm.

I look at my side then saw a cute kitten who's snoring and clinging to my arm. Ahhh!! SHE'S SO CUTE I WANNA SQUEEZE HER!!! Then, she suddenly woke up with a big yawn.

" What did we do last night?? " she said while rubbing her eyes cutely.

" Hehe so do you wanna go on a date with me?? " I asked.

She look at me in shocked. " A DATE?! " She blinked twice but still looking at me.

" I mean we did confessed last night and I want your answer, now " I smile at her and waiting for her respond.

" oh hell yea!! " she replied and hugged me. I hugged her back then showered her with kisses on her face which made her giggle.

" stoooooooop " She pushed my face away. " what if your parents find out!"

" nah don't worry, they already know that I have a crush on you and they support us..now let's get ready for school " I got up and went to get my uniform and tossed my extra uniform to Yeji.

" make sure to lock the door, ok?? " She nodded then I went inside the bathroom

We both went downstairs and greet my parents, We're good girls😑👍

" Morning mum, dad " I said. " Morning Mr and Ms Choi " Yeji said. " Morning girls " my parents said in sync. " sit and enjoy your food " my mum said with a smile and place the food on the table.

We both sit and chow down our breakfast. " So........... Are you girls gonna date?? " my dad asked. Me and Yeji looked at him in shocked.

" You've been ears dropping?!! Since when?! " I said. " Since I walk passed your room and heard your conversation " my dad smiled at me so does my mum.

Yeji blushed looking like a tomato. " Ooooo hopefully I'm gonna be your mother-in-law soon, Yeji " my mum said while pinching Yeji's cheek.

"Mum!!!! " I said. " ok ok fine I'll wait and won't embarrassed you or your lover " she winked at me.

I looked at Yeji. " Let's just eat and go " She nodded. Then we continue devour our food and go...

At school>>>
We went in the school while holding hands. At first Yeji didn't agree with that bcuz she worried that it'll ruin my reputation. But after convincing her, she gave up and agree.

We went to our locker together since hers next to mine. Then, our friends came to us.

" Hey unnies " they greeted. " Heyy " we both said.

" So what's with the both of you holding hands just now?? " Y/N asked.

" well, if you must know.... We're actually dating🤭 " I said while taking my stuff. " Wait!! Really??!! " then Ryujin cover Yuna's mouth.

" You're going to alert the fans, pabo " she said while taking her hand away and wipe it.

" Hehe sorry " she said. " Wow my ship has finally sailed " Chaer said while dramatically lay on Ryujin. " Yea, Congrats " Y/N clapped her hands.

" hehe thanks " Yeji said while closing her locker. Then, her books fell down and she bent down to grab all of them. I also bent down and helped her.

But then, something caught my eye. Her wrist is wearing the same bracelet as mine. I froze while trying to process my memories.

Could it be??!! No it couldn't......Yeji?!! I thought.

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