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SATORU'S FACE FELL, recognition flickering in his gaze before he stopped himself, keeping a good five steps between them. The sorcerer cleared his throat, recomposing quickly.

"I should never have done what I did" he began, his tone honest "I promised I would look out for you when you were my fiancée, but I've done nothing but fail you time and time again, I'm sorry"

I'm sorry. It felt like a confession, something intimate and reserved for her ears alone. The word echoed in Mikazuki's mind like a broken record. Gojo Satoru had never been the kind of man who apologised once, let alone twice. The sorceress trembled, eyes shimmering with unshed tears at Gojo's words. Satoru paused, a nervous expression settling on his face as he fidgeted with his hands.

"I wish I could go back and change it all, I wish I would have done things differently; for both of our sakes"

I wish. I wish. I wish– he wished for so many things he couldn't put it into words. He wished he was a different man, with different thoughts and feelings. He wished he could touch Mikazuki and wipe away the tears currently running down her cheeks. The sorceress clenched her jaw, a flicker of anger crossing through her face as she swatted the tears away, all the previous sadness melting into a flash of rage.

"You can't change the past, Satoru"

The man nodded, acknowledging the words, but his expression didn't budge.

"I know" he said before pausing, eyes slowly falling on Suguru's grave "Believe me, I know"

Killing Geto Suguru was one of his biggest regrets, and if he could go back in time, it's probably the first thing he would change. Every time the man's name flared up inside of his mind, it reminded him of what he'd done. In the name of The Magistrate, in the name of peace, in the name of many things but never on his. Satoru took a deep breath, stilling himself when he felt to urge to reach out and hold Mikazuki.

"I want to mend what I broke, I want to fix this" he said confidently, a visible glint of hope in his eyes despite the black blindfold draped over them.

Mikazuki pressed her lips into a thin line, gaze still fixed on him. How could he be so careless? So thoughtless even when faced with the consequences of his own actions? This, wasn't something that could be fixed – instead, it was something that would haunt her until the day she died. She wanted to scream at him, to step across the field and push it into him with so much force he would fall back. Instead, Mikazuki took a deep breath, keeping her stare cold.

"There's no fixing this" she said harshly "It doesn't matter how many times you apologise, or how many flowers you send or what your intentions are" her voice was breaking down, the pain in her words palpable in the air "You broke my trust, you broke me and even if I wanted to forgive you, I don't think I can" she spoke honestly, tears pricking at her eyes.

Satoru's expression fell, and suddenly all the remorse and all the guilt vanished from his face, a darker tone settling in instead.

"So, that's it, then?" he refuted, annoyed "You're just going to let this break us?"

He said it easily, like he was talking of something real and tangible, not the fantasy led by their families, tricking them into thinking there could ever be an us when they all knew there wouldn't. Mikazuki looked at him with a defeated expression, all the fight and anger gone from her gaze even when she could feel the gold pulling at the crack in her arms, begging to be released into the wild.

"We were already broken, Satoru"

The sorcerer didn't refute it, he didn't try to fight it, standing there with a completely detached look as he continued to stare at Mikazuki through the thick fabric of his blindfold. The Kinzoku sighed, hugging herself as she kept her tone calm despite the exhaustion still present in her voice.

"I will keep working with you because I have no choice and because it's my duty as a sorceress, but other than that, you and I are over" she said, stepping into his space and shoving the apartment key into his chest "I don't need your half-assed apologies or any of your gifts"

Satoru looked down at the key, eyes wide before he stared back at her through half-lidded eyes.

"This isn't a gift" he stated, his tone rough as he shoved the key back into Mikazuki's palm, their hands touching for less than a second, their barriers sizzling like the spark of a forest fire "It's an apology. The apartment is yours, you can burn it for all I care, but it is yours" he said sternly.

Mikazuki chuckled, stepping away from the sorcerer while never breaking eye contact.

"So you're just going to... what? Force me to forgive you?" she huffed angrily, a hint of incredulity on her tone, like she couldn't quite believe him "You haven't changed at all, have you? Ten years, and you're still the same self-centred asshole you've always been"

Satoru's gaze turned dark and he suddenly stepped back into her space, deciding to ignore the sheer look of panic as he stood right in front of her. The sorceress turned pale, pinned between Gojo and the wooden headstone of Geto's grave, hands shaking as dread settled at the pit of her stomach.

"Careful there, Mikazuki" he said slowly "Your hypocrisy is showing"

The sorcerer stepped back, a wicked smile plastered on his face as he side eyed the woman, smile widening when he saw the slight shudder currently holding her in place. He delighted in it, on the fear he could feel coursing through her veins, on that horrified look crossing her face.

"I've made my amends. Now, you can accept my apology or you can ignore it, but there won't be another one" he announced, a bored expression settling on his face.

Mikazuki kept her expression closed off, jutting out her chin and looking up at Satoru, eyes filled with tears which were now freely rolling down her cheeks.

"I hate you" she stated simply, no hint of a lie in her sentence, Gojo's Six Eyes narrowing at her.

Satoru didn't even seem mad nor surprised by that statement, especially since it wasn't the first time he heard it. This time, however, he didn't care. The sorcerer kept his expression level, looking down at the woman.

"And I hate you. I'm tired of apologising for not loving you back" he said coldly "Because that's what this is all about, isn't it? What I said ten years ago on that rooftop?"

It was always that fucking rooftop. Mikazuki stayed silent, unwilling to answer him at this point. But she didn't need to, not when Satoru had already made up his mind, something he should have done long ago.

"It's not my fault I don't love you, Mikazuki" 

𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑳𝑴 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now